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Potential search for direct slepton pair production in √s = 360 GeV at CEPC

Not scheduled
Oral report TeV物理和超出标准模型新物理 分会场一


Feng LYU (Institute of High Energy Physics)


The center-of-mass energy of Circular Electron
Positron Collider (CEPC) could be upgrade to 360 GeV level
(CEPC@360GeV) after its ten-year running at 240 GeV.
Besides SM precision measurements, CEPC@360GeV also
has good potential for BSM physics searches, which is a
good complementary for hadron colliders. This paper presents
the sensitivity study of direct stau and smuon pair produc-
tion at CEPC with √s = 360 GeV by full Monte Carlo (MC)
simulation. With 1.0 ab−1 integrated luminosity and the as-
sumption of flat 5% systematic uncertainty, the CEPC@360
GeV has the potential to discover the production of com-
bined left-handed and right-handed stau up to 168.5 GeV
if exists, or up to 159 GeV for the production of pure left-
handed or right-handed stau; the discovery potential of di-
rect smuon reaches up to 174 GeV with the same assump-
tion. Given the similar nature of the facilities and detec-
tors, the results can be a good reference for other electron
positron colliders with the same center-of-mass energies and
target luminosities, such as Future Circular Collider e+e−
(FCC-ee) and the International Linear Collider (ILC).

Primary author

Feng LYU (Institute of High Energy Physics)

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