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Massive Scattering Amplitudes for Standard Model: On-shell Massless-Massive Correspondence and the On-shell Higgsing

Not scheduled
Oral report TeV物理和超出标准模型新物理 分会场一


郁涵 倪 (I)


We present a comprehensive exploration of the on-shell Higgs mechanism using the massless-massive correspondence (MMC) applied to scattering amplitudes in the Standard Model. The MMC, integrated with power counting based on the $v/E$ expansion (where $v$ denotes the electroweak vacuum expectation value (VEV)), is derived from spinor splitting and energy scaling of massive amplitudes. For an $n$-point massive amplitude $\mathcal{M}_n$, its energy scaling is categorized as $[\mathcal{M}_n]_l \sim E^{4-n} (v/E)^{l}$, aligning it with an $(n+l)$-point massless amplitude $\mathcal{A}_{n+l} \sim [\mathcal{M}_n]_l$. The Higgs mechanism is reflected in all order matching ($l\geq0$). Notably, when $l > 0$, the additional $l$ Higgs bosons in $\mathcal{A}_{n+l}$ manifest as VEVs in the infrared (IR), thereby matching $\mathcal{A}_{n+l}$ to $[\mathcal{M}_n]_l$. This transition, elucidating how the surplus Higgs bosons at high energy contribute to VEVs at low energy, is called the on-shell Higgsing mechanism.

Primary authors

江浩 于 (中科院理论所) 郁涵 倪 (I) 超 邬 (ITP, CAS)

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