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22–27 Oct 2024
Hangzhou Platinum Hanjue Hotel
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Design and high power test of 650MHz/800 kW high efficiency klystron for CEPC

23 Oct 2024, 21:06
Whole Workshop in 278

Whole Workshop in 278

Poster 02: Accelerator technology Poster


欧正 肖 (高能所)


The 650MHz/800kW CW klystron is an important component of the RF power source for the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC). In order to reduce the energy demand and operating costs of the CEPC, the high efficiency klystron is developed at Institute of High Energy Physics , which is aiming to increase the efficiency of the klystrons to above 80%. In March 2020, the first prototype klystron, using a second harmonic cavity, achieved output efficiency of around 65%. To further increase the efficiency of the klystrons to around 75%, the second prototype klystron adopts a combination of lower perveance and the core stablization method (CSM). Currently, this prototype klystron has been finished high power test. The test results show that the output power and efficiency have reached 803kW and 78%, respectively.

Primary author

欧正 肖 (高能所)


Zusheng Zhou (IHEP) Yu Liu (Institute for High Energy Physics) Yiao Wang (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Han Xiao Munawar Iqbal (Centre for High Energy Physics)

Presentation materials