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Oct 22 – 27, 2024
Hangzhou Platinum Hanjue Hotel
Asia/Shanghai timezone

SiPM readout ASIC from Microparity

Oct 25, 2024, 11:00 AM
Room 289

Room 289


Wei Shen (Microparity (杭州宇称电子))


Microparity is a microelectronic company with speciality in single photon detection based in Hangzhou, China. The product spectrum of Microparity spans over different kinds of single photon detectors, e.g. SiPMs and SPADs, as well as their readout ICs, e.g. high resolution TDCs, low noise readout ICs for large dynamic SiPMs , Time of Flight Position Emission Tomography, distance ranging using FSI and BSI SPAD arrays etc. The application fields of the single photon detection products focus mainly on consumer, medical and automobil electronics. A few photon detection chips related to collision/detector physics will be presented.

Presentation materials