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Jun 12 – 13, 2024
Asia/Shanghai timezone

One of the most important goals of relativistic heavy-ion collisions is exploring the phase structure of  nuclear matter under extremely condition. The second phase of the Beam Energy Scan program presents the high statistic measurement of the net-proton multiplicity fluctuations across a broad range of collision energy. This mini-workshop aims to bring together theorists and experimentalists interpreting the recent measurements. New experimental results and theoretical ideas will be discussed by young and experienced scientists, with the purpose of stimulating new fruitful collaborations. 

The  workshop will be held June 12-13, 2024 in CHEP, Peking University, Beijing, China.



June 12

  1. 10:00-11:00(中楼 423) Zebo Tang (USTC), NICA physics   

Lunch Break

  1. 14:00-15:00(西楼B1高能中心)  Xiaojian Du (Santiago de Compostela U., IGFAE), 非平衡量子色动力学
  2. 15:30-16:30(西楼B1高能中心) Lipei Du(McGill Univ.), Multi-messenger heavy-ion physics at beam energy scan energies

June 13 

  1. 9:00-10:00(中楼 423) Xiao-Feng Luo (CCNU), RHIC-BES physics: experimental overview
  2. 10:20-10:50(中楼 423) Lipei Du(McGill Univ.), RHIC-BES physics: theoretical overview
  3. 10:50-11:20(中楼 423) Fei Gao (Beijing Inst. of Tech.), fQCD overview

Lunch Break

Organizing Committee

Shanjin Wu(Lanzhou University)

Hadi Mehrabpour(Peking University)

Saha Abhisek(Peking University)

Huichao Song(Peking University)

CHEP, Chengfu Rd. No.209, Haidian Dis., Beijing, China