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23–28 Feb 2025
Exhibition International Hotel, Dongguan
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Diffuse small-angle neutron scattering signatures of the Dzyaloshinkii-Moriya interaction

26 Feb 2025, 10:00
Exhibition International Hotel, Dongguan

Exhibition International Hotel, Dongguan

No. 1, Huizhan North Road, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province(广东省东莞市会展北路1号)
multiferroics and chirality Download the latest program here


Andreas Michels (University of Luxembourg)


The antisymmetric Dzyaloshinkii-Moriya interaction (DMI) arises in systems with broken inversion symmetry and strong spin-orbit coupling. In conjunction with the isotropic and symmetric exchange interaction, magnetic anisotropy, the dipolar interaction, and an externally applied magnetic field, the DMI supports and stabilizes the formation of various kinds of complex mesoscale magnetization configurations, such as helices, spin spirals, skyrmions, or hopfions. A question of importance in this context addresses the neutron scattering signature of the DMI, in particular in polycrystalline bulk materials and random nanoparticle assemblies, where the related magnetic neutron scattering signal is diffuse in character and not of the single-crystal diffraction-peak type, as it is e.g. seen for a skyrmion lattice in the B20 compounds. In this talk we discuss (i) the effect of the DMI in spherical FeGe nanoparticles on the randomly averaged magnetic neutron scattering observables, more specifically on the spin-flip small-angle neutron scattering cross section, the related chiral function, and the pair-distance distribution function. Additionally, (ii) recent theoretical results regarding the diffuse scattering signatures of two types of stable hopfions in the SANS observables are presented, and (iii) experimental data for the less well studied microstructural defect-induced DMI are discussed.

Primary author

Andreas Michels (University of Luxembourg)

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