The cubic noncentrosymmetric structure of the B20 compounds causes the formation of a spin spiral with a wave vector $k_s = D/J$ balanced by the competition of antisymmetric Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction and the ferromagnetic exchange interaction (Back-Jensen model) [1,2]. The application of a magnetic field $H$ transforms the helix into a conical structure, which collapses into a field-induced ferromagnet at point $H_{C2}$. This field is defined by the interaction hierarchy through $gμ_BH_{C2} = Ak_s^2$, where $A = J/S$ is the spin-wave stiffness. This ratio between $H_{C2}$, $A$ and $k_S$ was experimentally tested for a large number of B20 compounds: MnSi [3], Mn$_{1−x}$Fe$_x$Si [4], FeGe [5], Mn$_{1−x}$Fe$_x$Ge [6], Fe$_{1−x}$Co$_x$Si [7,8],Cu$_2$OSeO$_3$ [9]. The above ratio was proven to be valid for all the above mentioned compounds within the whole temperature range from 0 to $T_C$.
To order to perform these experimental tests, we develop a technique to study the spin wave dynamics of the full-polarized state of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya helimagnets by polarized small-angle neutron scattering. We have experimentally proven that the spin waves dispersion in this state has the anisotropic form given by M.Kataoka in [10]: $\epsilon_q = A({\bf q} – {\bf k}_s)^2 + g\mu_B(H –H_{C2})$. We show that the neutron scattering image displays a circle with a certain radius, which is centered at the momentum transfer corresponding to the helix wave vector in helimagnetic phase ${\bf k}_s$, which is oriented along the applied magnetic field $H$. The radius of this circle is directly related to the spin-wave stiffness $A$ of this system. This scattering depends on the neutron polarization showing the one-handed nature of the spin waves in Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya helimagnets in the full-polarized phase. Thus the spin wave stiffness $A$ can be measured in the fast mode in the wide temperature range and for a large variety of samples. We have found that the spin-wave stiffness A change weakly with temperature for each individual compound but remarkable is a change of $A$ with the concentration $x$ for the Mn$_{1−x}$Fe$_x$Si compounds [4] and for the Fe$_{1−x}$Co$_x$Si compounds [8]. A detailed picture of these changes and their interpretations will be reported.
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