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21–24 Aug 2024
Asia/Shanghai timezone

住宿及交通 Accommodation and Transportation



Club Med Yanqing Beijing Resort

No.66 Gulong Road,Zhangshanying Town,Yanqing District,Beijing,China




8月21日 早上8:30,中国科学院高能物理研究所东门出发,前往辉煌松山度假酒店。

8月24日 下午14:00,辉煌松山度假酒店出发,返回中国科学院高能物理研究所。


Summer school will arrange a bus service between IHEP and the conference venue.  Participants could also  go there by other transport at your own cost.

August 21: Departure from the east gate of the Institute of High Energy Physics at 8:30 AM,heading tu Club Med Yanqing Beijing Resort.

August 24: Departure from Club Med Yanqing Beijing Resort at 2:00 PM,returning to the Institute of High Energy Physics.