Kazuyuki Ogata
(RCNP, Osaka University)
One of the most important subjects of nuclear physics is
to understand the origin of the elements surrounding us.
In this talk I will focus on 12C, an essential element for
life. It is well known that 12C is formed from three alpha
(4He) particles in stars. Theoretical description of this
reaction, however, has been oversimplified. I will explain
how to formulate reaction rate of a ternary process, which
begins with three-body scattering states, using the basic
concept of the continuum-discretized coupled-channels method
(CDCC). The reaction rate of the 12C formation process is
calculated with the accurate picture of the three-body quantum
scattering. The new rate is markedly larger than the previous
one by more than 20 orders of magnitude at 10^7 K. I will
clarify where this difference comes from, by explaining what
the previous model assumed. This study will lead one to new
understanding of the "origin" of 12C.
Primary author
Kazuyuki Ogata
(RCNP, Osaka University)
Masayasu Kamimura
(RIKEN Nishina Center)