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CEPC Physics Performance for RefTDR weekly meeting

226 (多学科大楼)




Zoom link: 

meeting id: 643 5985 4581
password: 517454

    • 14:00 14:10
      Introduction 10m
      Speakers: Mingshui CHEN (IHEP) , Manqi Ruan (IHEP)
    • 14:10 14:30
      Status on high level object reconstruction: Tracking, PID, Jet, Vertex, etc 20m
      Speakers: Chenguang 张辰光 (IHEP,Beijing) , WANG Zebing, Xiaotian Ma (高能所) , 刚 Gang 李 LI (高能所) , Kaili Zhang (IHEP) , all
    • 14:30 14:40
      MC and samples 10m
      Speakers: Kaili Zhang (IHEP) , UNKNOWN WANG Zebing, 泽炳 王 (高能所)
    • 14:40 14:55
      Progress on physics analyses 15m
    • 14:55 15:05
      Round table discussion 10m