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The 4th Conference on Physics under Synergetic Extreme Conditions and the accompanied Summer School of SECUF, together briefed as SECUF-2025, is organized by the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOP, CAS), which will be held in Beijing, China from July 15 to 21, 2025. 

The SECUF series of annual conferences and summer schools was firstly launched in 2022, for promoting academic exchange and collaboration on cutting-edge research in condensed matter physics and material science under synergetic extreme conditions. It is based on a newly accomplished user facility - Synergetic Extreme Condition User Facility (SECUF) which is located in Huairou, Beijing and is now opening to academic and industrial users in China and world-wide. Previously, SECUF-2022 (online), SECUF-2023 and SECUF-2024 (onsite) were successfully organized, with the participation of hundreds of invited speakers and a large audience.

SECUF-2025 consists of two parts. The first part is a Summer School (July 15-18), which delivers tutorial lectures on fundamental knowledges of researches under extreme physical conditions, together with the introduction of the experimental conditions available in SECUF. The second part is a Conference (July 19-21) containing one plenary session and four parallel sessions, for exchanging newest research progresses under extreme physical conditions.

SECUF aims at the discovery of new materials/phenomena/mechanisms triggered by advanced extreme physical conditions such as low temperature down to 1 mK, high pressure up to 300 GPa, high magnetic field up to 30 T, and ultra-fast laser pulse short then 100 as. It is a user facility open to academic and industrial users in China and world-wide to carry out material preparation, physical property characterization, quantum manipulation, and ultra-fast dynamic process investigations at combined extreme conditions that generally not available in users’ home institutions. For more details about, you can get throng the websites: https://lssf.cas.cn/en/facilities-view.jsp?id=ff8080817886a85d0178872b34570085

We cordially invite you to participate in SECUF-2025.

Huairou, Beijing

Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.