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PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

A Neural Network Approach to Conformal Fields

by Prof. Jiahua Tian (East China Normal University)

B105 (CHEP)




In this talk I will present a new way to calculate the conformal correlators. Via embedding formalism we are able to construct conformal fields in d dimension from Lorentz invariant fields in (d+2)  dimension. The correlators are calculated via modern amplitude methods. Potential future applications will be discussed. I will be pedagogical as various aspects of the work may be alien to a broad audience.

Jiahua Tian, professor at Department of Physics, East China Normal University. Before that he was a postdoctoral fellow at KIAS and ICTP. His research focuses on string theory, mathematical physics and AI for physics.

Tencent Meeting:420-295-902

Organized by

Prof. Yinan Wang