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PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

Bootstrap Program for Holographic Defects

by Prof. Xi-nan Zhou (中国科学院大学卡弗里理论科学研究所)

B105 (CHEP)




Holographic correlators are the most fundamental observables for exploring and exploiting the AdS/CFT correspondence. In recent years, much progress has been made thanks to the introduction of the bootstrap strategy, revealing interesting mathematical structures and allowing for precision tests of AdS/CFT. In this talk, I will outline a program which extends the bootstrap strategy to holographic CFTs with defects. This extension includes not only familiar types of defects such as Wilson loops, but also more exotic examples of theories placed on real projective space. I will show how we can develop systematic analytic bootstrap techniques to study holographic correlators in these theories. I will give examples at tree and loop levels, as well as results for stringy corrections to defect correlators. 

报告人简介:周稀楠于2013年和2018年分别在中国科学技术大学和美国纽约州立大学石溪分校取得学士和博士学位。在结束在美国普林斯顿大学的博士后研究后,周稀楠于2021年加入中国科学院大学卡弗里理论科学研究所,主要研究领域为量子场论与弦论。他在共形场论共形自举和全息关联函数研究方面取得突破性的学术成果,并因此获得2024度的国际理论物理中心奖(ICTP Prize)。

Organized by

Prof. Huaxing Zhu