We present a theoretical study of the medium modifications of the $p_{\rm T}$ balance ($x_{\rm J}$) of dijets in Xe+Xe collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=5.44$ TeV. The initial production of dijets was carried out using the POWHEG+PYTHIA8 prescription, which matches the next-to-leading-order (NLO) QCD matrix elements with the parton shower (PS) effect. The SHELL model described the in-medium...
We present the first theoretical investigation of Fox-Wolfram moments (FWMs) for multi-jet production in relativistic heavy ion collisions. In this work, jet productions in p+p collisions are computed with a Monte Carlo event generator SHERPA, while the Linear Boltzmann Transport model is utilized to simulate the multiple scattering of energetic partons in the hot and dense QCD matter. The...
二维(2D)喷注层析技术是研究高能重离子碰撞中,喷注介质修正效应的一种工具。它结合了梯度(在本文中表现为横向)和纵向的喷注层析,用于选择横平面内不同初始喷注产生位置的喷注事件。它利用了夸克-胶子等离子体(QGP)的横向梯度和喷注路径长度的横向不对称性和能量损失的特性。在本研究中,我们采用二维喷注层析技术,结合描述喷注部分子在QGP介质中传播的线性玻尔兹曼输运(LBT)模型,研究了光子标记喷注的喷注形状受到的介质修正效应。我们的结果表明,横向不对称度($A_N^y$)较小或 光子-喷注横动量不平衡性($x_{J\gamma}=p_T^{\rm...