CEPC LLP Taskforce


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Meeting Minutes for 2024.11.07 LLP Task force meeting


Present: Kechen, Zeren, Xiang, Cen, Liang, Manqi, Xuai, Xiaolong, Hengne, Jinhan



1. Layered cavern surface tracker (LAYCAST) projection: Far detector can enhance LLPs search by 1-2 orders (no background)

2. Barrel region has better acceptance

3. Shielding plan needs to be understood

4. Compared to LLP in LHC, how to improve it?

5. Other new physics ideas



1. 100s per signal events in simulation, 60days for full simulation including background

2. Near detector: background free with AL, ~1 order improvement compared to LHC/HL-LHC

2. Far detector gain estimation: 1-2 orders (background free based on ND study)


Far detector discussion:

Manqi: Low ctau LLP has better performance in CEPC compared to LHC: contributions from main detector, need quantitative results for far detector gain (e.g. SJTU study)

Xiaolong: Need physics motivation/input for a better detector design (e.g. muon detector), not limited to LLP, other new physics searches? There are also proposal to do LLP test at Bell2.

Kechen/Zeren: Take a look at https://arxiv.org/pdf/1911.08721, also there are some quantitative results at https://arxiv.org/pdf/1911.06576

Xuai: No need to do full simulation + ML for TDR, rough estimation should be enough

Liang: Will try different configurations (Faser, Mathusla) and recalcuate FD gain factors

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