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Precision Measurements of Diffractive Dissociation and Lepton Flavor Universality

by 启东/Qidong 周/Zhou (山东大学/Shandong university)

122 Multidisciplinary Building

122 Multidisciplinary Building



  Understanding the origin of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) requires interpreting ground-based experimental data using air shower simulations. Uncertainties in hadronic interaction models limit the accuracy of these interpretations. This report presents forward neutral particle measurements from the LHC-forward experiment, which help improve these models.

  The study of lepton flavor universality violation (LFUV) offers a promising pathway for exploring new physics beyond the Standard Model, with the potential to indirectly probe the new physics at energy scales up to 10 TeV. Currently, an average LFUV with 3.3σ significance has been observed in the semileptonic decays of B mesons. This report will present several recent LFUV-related measurements from the Belle and Belle II experiments.

About the speaker:

周启东,山东大学前沿交叉科学青岛研究院教授。2009-2013年本科就读于日本横滨国立大学,2018年在日本名古屋大学获得博士学位。2018年至2020年日本高能加速器研究机构(KEK)从事博士后研究。2020年至2023年任日本名古屋大学高等研究院助理教授(tenure-track)粒子宇宙起源研究所(Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute KMI)兼任。20236月加入山东大学。2018获日本学术振兴会(JSPSpostdoctoral fellowships2019年度日本物理学会young scientist奖等,2022年获国家高层次青年人才项目支持。研究方向是粒子物理实验,参加了LHCfRHICfBelle II实验,主要从事超出标准模型新物理寻找、强相互作用模型及其在宇宙线领域的应用、粒子物理实验触发与数据采集系统的研究。


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