This workshop will focus on (but not limited to) the topics of the perfect liquid nature of the QGP, hydrodynamics theory and model simulations, large and small systems, initial conditions and nuclear structure, Bayesian analysis and machine learning etc etc.
The workshop will be hold in in Beijing, Sep. 15-17, 2025 with invited talks only. The meeting check-in will be on the first floor of the Chun Hui Yuan international conference center on Sep.14, 2025
Local Organizing Committee:
Huichao Song(Peking U.)
Mei Huang(UCAS)
Fei Gao (BIT)
Guangyou Qin (CCNU)
Shuzhe Shi (Tsinghua U.)
Enke Wang (SCNU/CCNU)
Hongxi Xing (SCNU)
Pengfei Zhuang (Tsinghua U.)
lv lv lvlv@pku.edu.cn
Keqian Hu kqhu@pku.edu.cn
Registration for this event is currently open.