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Invited Speakers

Gert Aarts
Swansea U. (UK)
Federico Antinori CERN
Steffen A. Bass
Duke U. (US)
Francesco Becattini
Florence U. (Italy)
Piotr Bożek
AGH-UST (Cracow)
Daniel Brandenburg
The Ohio State U. (US)
Rupa Charrerjee
Calcutta,VECC (India)
Chandrodoy Chattopadhyay
North Carolina State U. (US)
Lipei Du
Kenji Fukushima
Tokyo U. (Japan)
Giuliano Giacalone
John Harris
Yale U. (US)
Michal P. Heller
Gent U.  (Belgium) 
Tetsufumi Hirano
Sophia U. (Japan)
Peter Martin Jacobs
Masakiyo Kitazawa
Kyoto U. (Japan)
Marco van Leeuwen
Nikhef (Netherlands)
Wei  Li
Rice U. (US)
Zi-Wei Lin
Easr Carolina U. (US)
Matthew W. Luzum
U. Sao Paulo (Brazil)
Govert Nijs CERN
Jorge Noronha
Jurgen Schukraft CERN
Chun Shen
Wayne State U. (US)
Dinesh Kumar Srivastava
Calcutta,VECC (India)
Jean-Francois Paquet Vanderbilt U. (US)
Raimond Snellings Nikhef (Netherlands)
Horst Stöcker
Frankfurt U., GSI & FIAS (Germany)
Boris Tomasik
Prague. Tech U (CZ)
Wilke van der Schee
CERN & Utrecht U. (Netherlands) 
Xin-Nian Wang CCNU & LBNL(China)
Nu Xu
Zhangbu Xu
Kent State U (US)
You Zhou
Bohr Inst. (Denmark)



-confirmed or tentatively confirmed invited participants till Feb.19