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CEPC Vertex detector TDR weekly meeting


Here is the Zoom link



Meeting ID 会议号: 94252018753

Password 会议密码: 348521

    • 1
      Speaker: 梁志均 LIANG Zhijun
    • 2
      Taichu3 Beta testing
      Speaker: 思琪 邓
    • 3
      Taichu3 Beta test
      Speaker: 元鸿 焦 (northwestern polytechnical university)
    • 4
      Plan and tools for implementation of stitching layout in CEPCSW
      Speaker: Chengdong FU (IHEP)
    • 5
      mechanics update
      Speaker: Jinyu Fu (高能所)
    • 6
      Testbeam at BSRF
      Speaker: Shuqi Li
    • 7
      Discussion about stitching technology
      Speakers: Meng Wang (Shandong University) , Wei WEI (高能所) , Ying ZHANG (IHEP)
    • 8
      Vertex layout optimization
      Speakers: Yulong Li (高能所) , 田园 Tianyuan 张 Zhang
    • 9
      MDI background update
      Speakers: Hancen LU (鲁函岑) (IHEP) , Haoyu SHI (IHEP) , Weiyi Sun