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CGEM DAQ discussion

BESIII Meeting Room (IHEP)

BESIII Meeting Room



开始时间 Begin Time: 2025-3-14 19:00

持续时长(分钟) Duration(m): 60分钟

会议号 Meeting ID:875 1977 2425

会议链接  Meeting URL:


入会密码Password: 017661

    • 19:00 19:30
      Progress and test plan of CGEM GUFI based DAQ 30m
      Speakers: Gianluigi Cibinetto (INFN Sezione di Ferrara) , Giulio Mezzadri (INFN-Ferrara) , greco michela (University of Turin)
    • 19:30 20:00
      IHEP progress (hardware, trigger, offline) 30m
      Speakers: Jingzhou ZHAO (高能所) , Sheng-Sen Sun (Institute of High Energy Physics) , 婷轩 曾 (高能所)
    • 20:00 20:10
      Minutes 10m
      Speaker: 婷轩 曾 (高能所)