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May 16 – 21, 2013
Asia/Shanghai timezone

List of registrants

138 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Adam Alloul IPHC Strasbourg
Alexander Bednyakov JINR
Alexandre Mertens CP3
Alina Grigoras CERN
Andrei Gheata CERN
Andrei Kataev Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Andrej Arbuzov JINR, Dubna, Russia
Antonina Fedorova IPME RAS, Russian Academy of Sciences
Armin Nairz CERN
Attila Krasznahorkay New York University
Axel Naumann CERN
Bartlomiej Hnatio FLNR JINR
Beijiang Liu Institute of High Energy Physics
Bin Gong IHEP
Bytev Vladimir JINR
Carsten Schneider RISC, J. Kepler University, Linz
Chao-Hsi (Zhao-Xi) CHANG (Zhang) The Institution of Theorectical Physics, CAS
Cinzia Luzzi University of Ferrara - CERN
Costin Ionita CERN
Daniel Maitre IPPP Durham
David Britton University of Glasgow
David Colling Imperial College and GridPP
David Kosower IPhT, CEA-Saclay
Denis Perret-Gallix IN2P3/CNRS
Djalel Benbouzid LAL, Univ Paris-Sud, CNRS
Dmitry Kirpichnikov INR RAS, MSU
Dmytro Kresan GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
Dzmitry Makatun Nuclear Physics Institute of Academy of Science of Czech Republic
Elise de Doncker Western Michigan University
Elmar Ritsch University Innsbruck/Austria, CERN
Evan Sangaline BNL/UC Davis
Fabio Hernandez IHEP/CAS
Federico Carminati CERN
Feng Feng CHEP
Filimon Roukoutakis University of Athens
Fons Rademakers CERN
Fuming Liu IOPP, CCNU
Fyodor Tkachov Institute for Nuclear Research RAS
Gang Chen IHEP
gang zhang IHEP
Giovanni Ossola New York City College of Technology - CUNY
Gorm Galster The Niels Bohr Institute
Gudrun Heinrich Max Planck Institute for Physics
Hailiang Sun Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
Hanyu Wei Center for High Energy Physics, Tsinghua University
Hao Sun Ji Nan University
Hongfei Zhang Institute of High Energy Physics
Iosif Legrand CALTECH / CERN
Ivan Kisel University of Frankfurt, FIAS
Jagdish Nehra Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur
Jan Balewski MIT
Jason Slaunwhite Notre Dame
Jean-Pierre LUMINET Observatoire de Paris - CNRS
Jean-Pierre Vilotte Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (CNRS - UMR7154)
Jerome Lauret Brookhaven National Laboratory
Jianxiong Wang Theory Group, IHEP
Jiri Horky Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Jochem Fleischer University of Bielefeld, Germany
Johannes Bluemlein DESY
Junichi Kanzaki KEK
Katharine Leney University of the Witwatersrand
Konstantin Chetyrkin Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Laura Tosoratto INFN
Lawrence Pinsky Physics Department, University of Houston
Lei Guo University of Science and Technology of China
Lei Wu itp,cas
Lidia Dell'Asta Boston University
Liliana Teodorescu Brunel University
Lu-Ping wan ihep
Maggiora Marco Department of Physics - University of Turin and INFN, Turin
Marcel Rieger RWTH Aachen, III. Physikalisches Institut A
Marilena Bandieramonte Dept. of Physics and Astronomy - Univ. of Catania (Italy) and INAF Catania
Meng Wang Shandong University
Michael Zeitlin IPME RAS, Russian Academy of Sciences
Michal Sumbera Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR, Czech Republic
Michele Selvaggi UCL
Mikhail Kalmykov Hamburg Universitat
Mikhail Kompaniets St-Petersburg State University, Russia
Milos Lokajicek Institute of Physics AS CR
Mohammad Al-Turany GSI Darmstadt
Monique Werlen LAPTH
Nikolay Kosykh Saint-Petersburg state university
Ning Liu henan Normal University
Norihisa Watanabe KEK
Oleg Tarasov Hamburg University
Peiwen Wu Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Peter Elmer Princeton University
Peter Kövesárki University of Bonn
Philipp Maierhoefer University of Zurich
Piero Vicini INFN - Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics
Qingwang Zhao IHEP
Ren-You Zhang USTC
Renat Sadykov JINR
Robert Triendl DataDirect Networks
Roman Lee Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
Sami Kama Southern Methodist University
Satoru Ueda KEK
Shuhuan SUN Institue of High Energy Physics
Simon Badger Niels Bohr Institute
Simonetta Liuti University of Virginia
Son Hoang University of Houston
Stefano Bagnasco Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Sudhir RANIWALA University of Rajasthan
Takahiro Ueda Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Tao Lin IHEP
Tapio LAMPÉN Helsinki Institute of Physics
Thomas Hahn MPI for Physics
Ting Li Northwestern University
Tord Riemann DESY
Toshiaki Kaneko High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
Vala Martin JINR
Valery Yundin Niels Bohr Institute
Viacheslav Khandramai Gomel State Technical University
Victor Braguta IHEP
Vladimir Zykunov Belarussian State University of Transport
Vladislav Matoušek Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Weidong Li IHEP
Wen-Gan Ma University of Science of Technology of China(USTC)
wenjing wu ihep cc
xiao fang Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences
Xiaozhou Li University of Science and Technology of China
xihuai li ihep
Xing-Gang Wu China Democratic League
Xun Xue East China Normal University
Yajin Zhou Shandong University
Yang Zhang Henan Normal University
Yingbiao Liu Institute of High Energy Physics
Yoshimitsu SHIMIZU KEK
Yoshio Oyanagi Kobe University
Yu Feng Institute of High Energy Physics,CAS
Yu-Jie Zhang Beihang University
Zhaofeng Liu Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
Zhe Wang Tsinghua University
Zili Yi Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Ziyan Deng ihep