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27–30 Oct 2013
BeiHang Univ. Beijing,China
Asia/Shanghai timezone
Slides and conference photo available online

Low energy reaction $K^-p\rightarrowΛη$ and the negative parity $Λ$ resonances

28 Oct 2013, 15:10
Lecture room 2 (BeiHang Univ. Beijing,China)

Lecture room 2

BeiHang Univ. Beijing,China

Parellel A


Ms Xiao Li-Ye (Hunan Normal University)


The reaction K−p → η at low energies is studied with a chiral quark model approach. Good descriptions of the existing experimental data are obtained. It is found that (1670) dominates the reaction around threshold. Furthermore, u- and t-channel backgrounds play crucial roles in this reaction as well. The contributions from the D-wave state (1690) are negligibly small for its tiny coupling to η. To understand the strong coupling properties of the low-lying negative parity resonances extracted from the ¯KN scattering, we further study their strong decays. It is found that these resonances are most likely mixed states between different configurations. Considering these low-lying negative parity resonances as mixed three-quark states, we can reasonably understand both their strong decay properties from Particle Data Group and their strong coupling properties extracted from the ¯K N scattering. As a byproduct, we also predict the strong decay properties of the missing D-wave state |3 2 −i3 with a mass of ∼ 1.8 GeV. We suggest our experimental colleagues search it in the (1385)π and π channels.

Primary author

Ms Xiao Li-Ye (Hunan Normal University)


Prof. Zhong Xian-Hui (Hunan Normal University)

Presentation materials