Emiko Hiyama
One of the main goals of hypernuclear physics is to investigate the hyperon-nucleon ($YN$) and hyperon-hyperon($YY$) interactions. Interesting and important hypernuclear few-body problems contribute. To solve the three- and four-body problem precisely, we employ Gaussian Expansion method (GEM) [1], which has been successfully applied to calculate
properties of various bound three- and four-body systems. The basis fucntions describe well both short-range correlations and the long-range tail. Here we emphasize what is interesting and important from the view point of hypernuclear physics.
(i) It is one of important subject to discuss about $\Lambda N$ charge symmetry breaking effect. For this purpose, the binding energies of $^{10}_{\Lambda}$Be and $^{10}_{\Lambda}$B are calculated with the framework of $\alpha +\alpha +\Lambda +N$
four-body model.
(ii) Recently, it was observed a neutron-rich $\Lambda$ hypernuclues, $^6_{\Lambda}$H [2].
To structure of this hypernucleus, we performed four-body calculation of $t+\Lambda+n+n$. In the conference, we discuss about our result and new experimental data.
[1] E. Hiyama, Y. Kino, and M. Kamimura, Prog. Par. Nucl. Phys., {\bf 51}, 223(2003).
[2] M. Angello {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\\bf A881}, 042501 (2012).
Primary author
Emiko Hiyama