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27–30 Oct 2013
BeiHang Univ. Beijing,China
Asia/Shanghai timezone
Slides and conference photo available online

Roy-Steiner equations for pi N scattering

29 Oct 2013, 09:00
Lecture room 8 (BeiHang Univ. Beijing,China)

Lecture room 8

BeiHang Univ. Beijing,China

Parellel A


Dr Jacobo Ruiz de Elvira (Hiskp, Bonn)


Starting from hyperbolic dispersion relations for the invariant amplitudes of pion–nucleon scattering together with crossing symmetry and unitarity, we derive a closed system of integral equations for the partial waves of both the s-channel (\pi N->\pi N) and the t-channel (\pi\pi→\bar N N) reaction, called Roy–Steiner equations. We also solve the t-channel subsystem by means of Muskhelishvili–Omnès techniques and present preliminary results on the solution of the s-channel problem.

Primary author

Dr Jacobo Ruiz de Elvira (Hiskp, Bonn)


Prof. Bastian Kubis (Hiskp, bonn) Dr Martin Hoferichter (itp, Bern) Prof. Ulf-G. Meissner (Univ. Bonn & FZ Juelich)

Presentation materials