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27–30 Oct 2013
BeiHang Univ. Beijing,China
Asia/Shanghai timezone
Slides and conference photo available online

Nuclear chirality in the context of possible future scientific applications.

Not scheduled
BeiHang Univ. Beijing,China

BeiHang Univ. Beijing,China



Dr Julian Srebrny (Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Poland)


A hypothesis of the chiral symmetry breaking opened a new opportunity for the study of spontaneous time-reversal symmetry breaking in an atomic nucleus. A connection between the chirality phenomenon and the time-reversal symmetry will be shown. A possibility of using chiral doublets for studies of time reversal symmetry beyond the nuclear structure boundaries will be introduced. This idea relay on well known phenomenon of doublet state mixing in frame of first order perturbation theory, see for example N. Auerbach, Nucl. Phys. A787, 532c (2007). Although the theoretical basics are not complicated there is no straight-forward experimental technique applicable for this kind of time-reversal symmetry breaking measurements with help of the chiral doublets. As a starting point for the discussion a gamma-gamma correlation and polarization experiments will be introduced as possible candidates.

Primary author

Dr Julian Srebrny (Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Poland)

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