Yue Ma
(Research scientist)
As the latest effort to search for deeply-bound $\bar K$-nuclear states, E15 experiment has been carried out at K1.8 branch beam line at J-PARC. $^3 He(inflght-K^-,N)$ reaction was employed to search for the simplest K-nuclear bound state, K−pp. An exclusive measurement is performed with the in-flight 3He(K−, n) reaction, which allows us to investigate the K−pp bound state both in the formation via missing-mass spectroscopy and its decay via invariant-mass spectroscopy using the emitted neutron and the expected decay, K−pp → Λp → π−pp, respectively. In additon to the 3He(K-,n), the 3He(K-,p) reactions was also measured with the K1.8BR spectrometer to investigate the isospin dependence of the kaon-nucleus K-NN interaction. In this presentation, preliminary results of 3He(K-,N) spectra obtained in the first physics-run will be presented.
Primary author
Yue Ma
(Research scientist)