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27–30 Oct 2013
BeiHang Univ. Beijing,China
Asia/Shanghai timezone
Slides and conference photo available online

The predictions of Psi(nS) and Upsilon(nS) decays based on the molecular structure

27 Oct 2013, 15:30
Lecture room 2 (BeiHang Univ. Beijing,China)

Lecture room 2

BeiHang Univ. Beijing,China

Parellel A


Prof. L. R. Dai (Liaoning Normal Univerisity)


Based on previous studies that support the vector-vector molecular structure of some tensor states generated dynamically from the interaction of pairs of more elementary hadrons,we firstly study the J/Psi decay and compare with the experimantal data available, then we make some predictions for Psi(nS) and Upsilon(nS) decays.

Primary authors

Prof. E Oset (Universidad de Valencia) Prof. L. R. Dai (Liaoning Normal Univerisity)

Presentation materials