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13–17 Oct 2014
PRC timezone

Research Development of Vibrating Wire Alignment Technique for HEPS

Not scheduled
Main Building (IHEP)

Main Building


19B Yuquan Road, Shijingshan District,Beijing, 100049


Ms Lei WU (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


HEPS(High Energy Photon Source) is a proposed 5GeV third generation light source with 50pm emittance at IHEP.The alignment tolerance for a string of quadrupoles and sextupoles on a 5.4 meters girder is 30 micrometers. To achieve the high precision requirements, the vibrating wire alignment technique will be used to align several magnets installed on the long girder. The method is based on measurement of magnetic axis. This report will introduce the research work has been done.

Primary author

Ms Lei WU (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


Ms Chunhua Li (Institute of High Energy Physics) Mr Xiaolong Wang (ihep) Prof. huamin qu (ihep)

Presentation materials