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Oct 27 – 30, 2014
Asia/Shanghai timezone
This workshop on "String Theory and its Applications" will be held at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), CAS from Oct. 27 to Oct. 30, 2014. Gauge/gravity correspondence is one of the most important progress in the field of string/M theory in the recently 15 years. It improved greatly our understanding on the strongly coupled gauge theories and the structure of quantum gravity. It have already inspired many important applications in QCD, condensed matter physics and black hole physics. The plan of this workshop is to invite experts working on different aspects of gauge/gravity correspondence to exchange ideas and new results. This workshop will mainly include three aspects: recent progress in string/M theory, applications of gauge/gravity correspondence in QCD and in condensed matter physics. The invited speakers include: Prof. Kimyeong Lee (Korea Insitute of Advance Study, Korea), Prof. Giuseppe Policastro (LPT-ENS, France), Prof. Sang-Jin Sin (Hanyang University, Korea), Prof. Raman Sundrum (U of Maryland, US), Prof. Piljin Yi (Korea Institute of Advance Study, Korea). Sponsored by China Center of Advanced Science and Technology (CCAST) and Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities(TPCSF), CAS. Deadline: Aug. 30th, 2014. For participants who need visa, the deadline of registration is Aug. 15th, 2014. Please contact with Dr. Lei Dang (dangl@ihep.ac.cn) for visa application. Organizer: Mei Huang (IHEP, CAS) Yi Ling (IHEP, CAS) Jun-Bao Wu (IHEP, CAS) Secretary: Dr. Lei Dang