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The 11th Workshop on QCD Phase Transition and Relativistic Heavy-ion Physics

Lei Huo (Harbin Institute of Technology) , Yugang Ma (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics of CAS)

Welcome to the website of the 11th Workshop on QCD Phase Transition and Relativistic Heavy-ion Physics.

News: the timetable of program is available.  Aug 12, 2015


一、 乘飞机抵达哈尔滨太平国际机场
        抵达机场后可乘机场巴士1号线 (票价20元)至通达街站安发桥站下车,原地乘出租车至哈工大西苑宾馆贵新街汉庭酒店(车费15元左右,另加燃油费1元)。也可直接从机场乘出租车到达上述目的地(车费120元左右)。
二、 乘火车抵达哈尔滨西站
三、 乘火车抵达哈尔滨站

The purpose of this workshop is to offer an opportunity for scientists to have a close examination of both theoretical and experimental results on heavy-ion programs at CSR, FAIR, RHIC and LHC.

Topics to be covered:
(1) QCD phase transition
(2) Hydrodynamics and collective flow
(3) Particle correlation and flutucations
(4) High pT physics and Jet observables in heavy-ion collisions
(5) Heavy-ion collision experiments at CSR, FAIR, RHIC and LHC
(6) Other related physics

Advisory Commitee: (in order by last name)

Mei Huang (黄梅 IHEP)
Zuotang Liang (梁作堂 SDU)
Yuxin Liu (刘玉鑫 PKU)
Yugang Ma (马余刚 SINAP)
Qun Wang (王群 USTC)
Xinnian Wang (王新年 CCNU)
Guoqing Xiao (肖国青 IMP)
Nu Xu (许怒 CCNU)
Yuan Zhao (赵远 HIT)
Pengfei Zhuang (庄鹏飞 THU)

Organization Committee:

Yugang Ma (马余刚 Co-Chair, SINAP)
Lei Huo (霍雷 Co-Chair, HIT)
Weining Zhang (张卫宁 HIT)
Jingbo Zhang (张景波 HIT)
Jinhui Chen (陈金辉 SINAP)
Guoliang Ma (马国亮 SINAP)
Jianli Liu (刘剑利 Secretary, HIT)


Note: deadline of register and abstract submit is delayed to July 19, 2015

Agenda of Program v5.2
First Circular
Local Map
Second Circular
  • Ben-Wei Zhang
  • Biao Tu
  • Bing-feng Jiang
  • Bo Feng
  • Bum-Hoon Lee
  • Chi Ding
  • Chunbin Yang
  • chunjian Zhang
  • Danna Kou
  • Defu Hou
  • Deqing Fang
  • Er-Qin Wang
  • fan wang
  • fenglan shao
  • Fuming Zhong
  • Fuwang Shen
  • Gang Chen
  • Guang-You Qin
  • Guo-Liang Ma
  • Hanzhong Zhang
  • Hao Liu
  • Haojie Xu
  • He Liu
  • Heng-Tong DING
  • Hong Mao
  • Hua Pei
  • Huan Chen
  • Hui Li
  • Hui Qiang Ding
  • Jiali Long
  • Jian Deng
  • Jiang Yuan
  • Jiaxing ZHAO
  • Jie Zhao
  • Jing Ya Zhang
  • Jing Yang
  • Jingbo Zhang
  • Jinghua Fu
  • Jinhui Chen
  • Jun Song
  • Jun Xu
  • jun Yan
  • Kai Xiao
  • Ke-Ming Shen
  • Lang Yu
  • le zhang
  • Li Yang
  • Liang Zhang
  • Liang Zheng
  • Lie-Wen Chen
  • Lijia Jiang
  • Lilin Zhu
  • Lin Chen
  • lin xia
  • Lingxiao Wang
  • Lizhu Chen
  • LongGang Pang
  • Luan Cheng
  • Man Xie
  • Mei Huang
  • Neha Shah
  • Ning Yu
  • Nu Xu
  • Peng Liu
  • Peng Ru
  • Peng Yang
  • Prabhakar Palni
  • Qi Chen
  • Qinghua Xu
  • Qiye Shou
  • Qun Wang
  • Ran Xu
  • Rong Yan
  • Ruiqin Wang
  • Sa Wang
  • shanliang ZHANG
  • Sheng-Qin Feng
  • Sheng-Tai Li
  • Shi-Yong Chen
  • Shili Yu
  • shuai wang
  • shuwan shen
  • Sifu Luo
  • Siwen Li
  • Song Zhang
  • Tianhong Wang
  • Ting Bai
  • Wei Li
  • Wei-Ning Zhang
  • Wei-Tian Deng
  • Wenzhao Luo
  • Xiangrong Zhu
  • Xiao-Fang Chen
  • XiaoHai Jin
  • Xiaowen Ren
  • Xin Xie
  • Xin-Nian Wang
  • xing long Li
  • Xinli Sheng
  • Xu Sun
  • Xue Pan
  • Yan Li
  • Yan Lu
  • yang yang
  • Yaping Wang
  • Yaxian Mao
  • Yayun He
  • Ye-Yin Zhao
  • Yidian Chen
  • Yiyun Yao
  • Yong Zhang
  • yongjin ye
  • Yu-kun Song
  • Yuanfang Wu
  • Yue Jiang
  • Yuncun He
  • Zhan Gao
  • Zhao Zhang
  • zhi-hui Wang
  • Zhijin Jiang
  • Zhongbao Yin
  • Zhu Ya
  • Zi-qiang Zhang
  • Zili LI
  • 代翠 周
  • 婉 常
  • 梳苏 施
  • 美娟 王
  • 阳光 杨
    • Registration Onsite 1st Floor Hall (Xi-Yuan Hotel)

      1st Floor Hall

      Xi-Yuan Hotel

    • Welcome Address Hall 214 (Conference Centre)

      Hall 214

      Conference Centre

      Convener: Prof. Yuan Zhao (HIT)
    • Plenary Session I Hall 214 (Conference Centre)

      Hall 214

      Conference Centre

      Convener: Prof. Yu-Gang Ma (SINAP)
      • 1
        STAR Physics Overview & Forward Upgrade Hall 214

        Hall 214

        Speaker: Zhangbu Xu (BNL)
      • 2
        Recent Flow Results from RHIC-STAR Hall 214

        Hall 214

        Speaker: Shu-Su Shi (CCNU)
      • 3
        Heavy Flavor Production in Heavy-ion Collisions Hall 214

        Hall 214

        Speaker: Yi-Fei Zhang (USTC)
      • 4
        Exploring the QCD Phase Diagram for a Signature of the Critical Point Hall 214

        Hall 214

        Speaker: Jian Deng (SDU)
    • Tea Break
    • Plenary Session II Hall 214 (Conference Centre)

      Hall 214

      Conference Centre

      Convener: Prof. Xin-Nian Wang (CCNU/LBNL)
      • 5
        HENPIC Talk -- Lifetime measurement of hypernucleus at RHIC-STAR
        Speaker: Jin-Hui Chen (SINAP)
      • 6
        Lattice Results on Transport Properties of QGP
        Speaker: Prof. Hong-Tong Ding (CCNU)
      • 7
        v2 splitting of particles and antiparticles at RHIC-BES
        Speaker: Jun Xu (SINAP)
    • Lunch Third Floor Hall (Xi-Yuan Hotel)

      Third Floor Hall

      Xi-Yuan Hotel

    • Parallel Session: A-1 Spectra & Flow Room 326 (Conference Centre)

      Room 326

      Conference Centre

      Conveners: Prof. Che-Ming Co, Prof. Han-Zhong Zhang (CCNU)
      • 8
        Nuclei production and flow in relativistic heavy ion collisions
        Speaker: Prof. Li-Lin Zhu (SCU)
      • 9
        Deuteron production in heavy-ion collision from coalescence model
        Speaker: Dr Ning Yu (CCNU)
      • 10
        Yield correlations and pT dependence of charmed hadrons in Pb+Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV
        Speaker: Dr Rui-Qin Wang (QFNU)
      • 11
        A description of pseudo-rapidity distributions in nucleus and particle collisions at high energies
        Speaker: Prof. Zhi-Jin Jiang (USST)
      • 12
        Correlations in pp and p+Pb collisions at the LHC energies
        Speaker: Dr Xiang-Rong Zhu (PKU)
      • 13
        Parameterization of Deformed Nuclei for Glauber Modeling in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
        Speaker: Dr Qi-Ye Shou (CCNU)
    • Parallel Session: B-1 HBT Correlation Room 330 (Conference Centre)

      Room 330

      Conference Centre

      Conveners: Prof. Chun-Bin Yang (CCNU) , Prof. Zhong-Bao Yin (CCNU)
      • 14
        Speaker: Song Zhang (SINAP)
      • 15
        Speaker: Yan-Yu Ren (HIT)
      • 16
        Back-to-back correlations of boson-antiboson pairs for hydrodynamic sources
        Speaker: Yong Zhang (DLUT)
      • 17
        Pion interferometry and elliptic flow in the viscous granular source model in relativistic heavy ion collisions
        Speaker: Jing Yang (DLUT)
      • 18
        Survival of charged rho condensation
        Speaker: Hao Liu (IHEP)
      • 19
        Speaker: Jia-Xing Zhao (TSINGHUA)
    • Tea Break: Photo & Tea Break
    • Parallel Session: A-2 Flow Room 326 (Conference Centre)

      Room 326

      Conference Centre

      Conveners: Prof. De-Qing Fang (SINAP) , Prof. Fu-Ming Liu (CCNU)
      • 20
        The parton and hadron cascade model, PACIAE
        Speaker: Prof. Dai-Mei Zhou (CCNU)
      • 21
        Temperature independent shear viscosity to entropy density ratio in AMPT
        Speaker: Dr Jian-Li Liu (HIT)
      • 22
        Blast Wave Fits to Elliptic Flow Data at 7.7--2760 GeV
        Speaker: Xu Sun (HIT)
      • 23
        The comparison of elliptic flow obtained by various of methods
        Speaker: Peng Yang (CCNU)
      • 24
        Some insights from systematic study of anisotropic flow?
        Speaker: Yan Lu (WUST)
      • 25
        Investigating the scaling of higher order harmonic flows in relativistic heavy ion collisions
        Speaker: Chun-Jian Zhang (SINAP)
    • Parallel Session: B-2 EOS & SHE Room 330 (Conference Centre)

      Room 330

      Conference Centre

      Conveners: Song Zhang (SINAP) , Prof. Zhong-Zhou Ren (NJU)
      • 26
        Holographic Hadrons in dense media
        Speaker: Prof. Bum-Hoon Lee (SOGANG)
      • 27
        From Holography towards real-world nuclear matter
        Speaker: Si-Wen Li (USTC)
      • 28
        Speaker: Huan Chen (CUG)
      • 29
        Quark matter symmetry energy and isospin-dependence of QCD phase structure from NJL model
        Speaker: He Liu (SINAP)
      • 30
        Dual condensates at finite isospin chemical potential
        Speaker: Zhao Zhang (NCEPU)
      • 31
        Speaker: Kai-Jian Sun (SJTU)
    • Dinner Third Floor Hall (Xi-Yuan Hotel)

      Third Floor Hall

      Xi-Yuan Hotel

    • Plenary Session III Hall 214 (Conference Centre)

      Hall 214

      Conference Centre

      Convener: Prof. Yu-Xin Liu (PKU)
      • 32
        Overview from the ALICE experiment
        Speaker: Prof. Dai-Cui Zhou (CCNU)
      • 33
        Jet measurements with CMS and ALICE at LHC
        Speaker: Prof. Ya-Xian Mao (CCNU)
      • 34
        Recent quarkonium measurement at STAR
        Speaker: Prof. Ze-Bo Tang (USTC)
      • 35
        Measurement of Lambda-Lambda correlation function
        Speaker: Dr Neha Shah (SINAP)
    • Tea Break
    • Plenary Session IV Hall 214 (Conference Centre)

      Hall 214

      Conference Centre

      Convener: Prof. Mei Huang (IHEP)
      • 36
        Medium effect on jet fragmentation via shower parton recombination
        Speaker: Prof. Che-Ming Co (TAMU)
      • 37
        Jets and open heavy flavors in heavy-ion collisions
        Speaker: Prof. Huang-You Qin (CCNU)
      • 38
        Jets escaping from Quark Soup
        Speaker: Prof. Ben-Wei Zhang (CCNU)
      • 39
        Transport properties of heavy quarks in dense medium
        Speaker: Prof. Min He (NUST)
      • 40
        Nuclear equation of state at high densities and the CEE
        Speaker: Prof. Zhi-Gang Xiao (Tsinghua)
    • Lunch
    • Parallel Session: A-1 Jet Room 326 (Conference Centre)

      Room 326

      Conference Centre

      Conveners: Prof. Jingbo Zhang (HIT) , Prof. Li-Lin Zhu (SCU)
      • 41
        Medium-induced Jet energy loss and flavor conversion in e+A
        Speaker: Wei-Tian Deng (HUST)
      • 42
        Jet-induced photon radiation via longitudinal and transverse scattering
        Speaker: Le Zhang (CCNU)
      • 43
        Investigation of the redistribution of lost energy from jets with AMPT model
        Speaker: Zhan Gao (CCNU)
      • 44
        The evolution of fragmentation function at finite temperature
        Speaker: Qin Chen (CCNU)
      • 45
        Linear Boltzmann Transport for Jet Propagation in the Quark-Gluon Plasma: Medium-induced Gluon Radiations and Medium Recoil
        Speaker: Ya-Yun He (CCNU)
      • 46
        Heavy quark potential from a deformed AdS_5 model
        Speaker: Zi-Qiang Zhang (CUG)
    • Parallel Session: A-2 Correlations & fluctuations 330 (Conference Centre)


      Conference Centre

      Conveners: Prof. Hong Mao (HZNU) , Prof. Sheng-Qin Feng (SXU)
      • 47
        Speaker: Chun-Bin Yang (CCNU)
      • 48
        Correlations and fluctuations of identified baryons in quark combination models
        Speaker: Jun Song (JNU)
      • 49
        Rapidity bin correlation pattern from a multi-phase transport model
        Speaker: Mei-Juan Wang (CUG)
      • 50
        Event by event multiplicity fluctuations in the statistical model
        Speaker: Hao-Jie Xu (PKU)
      • 51
        Correlated Fluctuations near the QCD critical point
        Speaker: Li-Jia Jiang (PKU)
      • 52
        Quark number fluctuations at finite temperature and finite chemical potential
        Speaker: Jing Chen (PKU)
    • Tea Break
    • Parallel Session: B-1: High Pt Room 326 (Conference Centre)

      Room 326

      Conference Centre

      Conveners: Dr De-Qing Fang (SINAP) , Dr Jian-Li Liu (HIT)
      • 53
        Speaker: Prof. Zhong-Bao Yin (CCNU)
      • 54
        High p_T pi^0 production in ALICE at LHC
        Speaker: Hua Pei (CCNU)
      • 55
        Production of Muons from Heavy-Flavour Hadron Decays in Pb–Pb Collisions at with ALICE at the LHC
        Speaker: Zu-Man Zhang
      • 56
        Cold nuclear matter effects on the color singlet J/ψ production in p(d)-Au collisions at energies of RHIC and LHC
        Speaker: Prof. Sheng-Qin Feng (CTGU)
      • 57
        Upgrade of the ALICE Inner Tracking System
        Speaker: Ya-Ping Wang (CCNU)
      • 58
        Pion0-hadron correlation and isolated photon-hadron correlation with EMCal in ALICE
        Speaker: Xiao-Wen Ren (CCNU)
    • Parallel Session: B-2 Chiral Effects Room 330 (Conference Centre)

      Room 330

      Conference Centre

      Conveners: Prof. Feng-Lan Shao (QFNU) , Dr Jie Zhao (CCNU)
      • 59
        Chiral soliton model at finite temperature and density
        Speaker: Hong Mao (HZNU)
      • 60
        Chiral Magnetic Effect and the Structure of Compact Star
        Speaker: Ling-Xiao Wang (TSINGHUA)
      • 61
        Universal behaviour of chiral phase transition in (2+1) flavour QCD
        Speaker: Sheng-Tai Li (CCNU)
      • 62
        (Inverse) Magnetic catalysis and chirality imbalance
        Speaker: Lang Yu (IHEP)
      • 63
        (Inverse) Magnetic Catalysis in Bose-Einstein Condensation
        Speaker: Bo Peng (HUST)
      • 64
        Phase transitions and thermal properties of QCD via the Dyson-Schwinger equation approach
        Speaker: Fei Gao (PKU)
    • Dinner
    • Plenary Session V Hall 214 (Conference Centre)

      Hall 214

      Conference Centre

      Convener: Prof. Lei Huo (HIT)
      • 65
        Flow in p+A Collisions from Parton Cascade
        Speaker: Guo-Liang Ma (SINAP)
      • 66
        Chiral kinetic theory for quark matter
        Speaker: Jian-Hua Gao (SDU/Weihai)
      • 67
        Longitudinal fluctuations and event plane de-correlation at RHIC and LHC
        Speaker: Long-Gang Pang (FIAS)
      • 68
        Symmetry Energy in Quark Matter
        Speaker: Prof. Lie-Wen Chen (SJTU)
    • Tea Break
    • Plenary Session VI Hall 214 (Conference Centre)

      Hall 214

      Conference Centre

      Convener: Prof. Qun Wang (USTC)
      • 69
        Effect of Pion Bose-Einstein Condensation on Interferometry Measurements in Ultra-Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
        Speaker: Prof. Wei-Ning Zhang (HIT/DLUT)
      • 70
        Gluon Condensate at High Temperature
        Speaker: Zhe Xu (TSINGHUA)
      • 71
        iTPC upgrade at RHIC-STAR
        Speaker: Prof. Qinghua Xu (SDU)
      • 72
        A Fixed Target Program for STAR
        Speaker: Prof. Daniel Cebra (UC Davis)
    • Lunch