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Sep 7 – 11, 2015
Asia/Shanghai timezone


Registration has been extend until August, 25th 2015




2015 BESIIICGEM Cloud Computing Summer School

Cloud computing represents the de facto standard for large computing facilities, both industrial and academic.

The School aims to provide a full introduction both to the basic and more advanced concepts in the framework of an IaaS approach. 

To a more theoretical set of morning lectures the School will add a full hands-on approach in the afternoons, when each (small) group of students will exercise in order to deploy at the end of the week a working testbed, one for each group.

The School is aimed to Doctoral Students in the High Energy or Nuclear Physics fields or in the IT and Computing fields. Young researchers holding Post-Doctoral positions are encouraged to apply as well.


The students participating to the School are limited to 35. Applicants are limited to 80. Applicants will be selected by the following Selection Committee:

- Prof. Marco MAGGIORA, University of Turin and INFN, Turin

- Prof. Xiaomei ZHANG, IHEP

- Dr. Stefano BAGNASCO, INFN, Turin

The selection will be performed on the CV and the documents uplaoded in the registration form and the applicants will be notified of the oucome of the selection within August, 12th 2015. The applicants are strongly encouraged to submit a letter of reference from their supervisors (if any) or from their gruop leader.

Once the selection will be performed, the Secretariat will confirm the accommodation for those applicants that at registration time requested a lodging at the IHEP Guest House.



Official address:

Postal address:

Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

19B Yuquan Lu, Shijingshan District, Beijing, 100049


Local Contact:

Tian YAN (+8615801095733,  yant@ihep.ac.cn),

Xiaomei ZHANG  (+86-10-88236029, +8613683345346, zhangxm@ihep.ac.cn)

Map to IHEP


A guide on visit to IHEP


19(B), YuQuan Road

The School is organised in the framework of the BESIIICGEM project, funded by the European Commission in the framework of the call H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014 within the "Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation Framework Programme".

The School itself and the grants are funded by the BESIIICGEM consortium with it funds and independently by IHEP and INFN.