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The Symposia subject and venue is decided by an International Board of senior members who appoint the Scientific Organizing Committee (PANDA Board) . The current Board consists of the following members:

Chryssa Kouveliotou (Chair,George Washington University)

Shuang-Nan, Zhang (Chair, Institute for High Energy Physics)

Ralph Wijers (Chair,University of Amsterdam)

Matthew Baring (Rice University)

Jin Chang (Purple Mountain Observatory, Nanjing)

Zigao Dai (Nanjing University)

Neil Gehrels (NASA/GSFC)

Christine Jones Forman (Harvard University)

Xiangdong Li (Nanjing University)

Richard Manchester (CSIRO)

Richard McCray (JILA)

Elena Pian (INAF-IASFBO)

Michel Rieutord (Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Toulouse)

Liming Song (Nanjing University)

Grazina Tautvaisiene (Vilnius University)

Virginia Trimble (University of California, Irvine)

Pietro Ubertini (Institute for Space Astrophysics and Planetology, Roma)

Ed van den Heuvel (University of Amsterdam)

Jian Min Wang (Institute for High Energy Physics, Beijing)

Anna Watts (University of Amsterdam)

Patrick Woudt (University of Cape Town)

Qian-Qing Yin (Institute for High Energy Physics, Beijing)

Program Committee  (to be confirmed)

Theme1: Source populations and types 

organisers:Lin Lin and Antonia Rowlinson

Theme2: Astrophysics of transient sources

organisers: James Guillochon and Xufeng Wu

Theme3: Instrumentation and Techniques for Time Domain Astronomy, including HXMT

organisers: Alexander van der Horst and Ji Li

Local Organizing Commitee

Liming Song(IHEP)

Xufeng Wu(PMO)

Fangjun Lu (IHEP)

Yue Sun(IHEP)

Qian-Qing Yin (IHEP)

Shaolin Xiong (IHEP)

Yuan Liu(IHEP)

Fan Zhang(IHEP)
