3:40 PM
DBL: all llqq/nunuqq with ATLAS Detector
Steven Partrick Alkire
4:00 PM
Electroweak W gamma production in association with two jets at sqrts = 8 TeV with CMS detector
Daneng Yang
(school of physics Peking Uniersity)
4:20 PM
Study on VBF H->gamma gamma with ATLAS detector
Yu Zhang
4:40 PM
Search for heavy neutral Higgs in di-boson final state at CMS
Tongguang Cheng
5:00 PM
Search for displaced leptons in the e-mu channel at CMS
Bingxuan Liu
(The Ohio State Univ.)
5:20 PM
Data driven W+Jet background estimation by fake factor method for WW->lvlv final state
Weimin Song
(Shangdong University)