Haiwang Yu
(Peking University)
01/09/2017, 14:00
1) Hot and dense matter physics (QGP and heavy ion collision)
Driven by the motivations of understanding the properties of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) and the structure of nucleons, two major research programs, the Heavy-Ion program and Spin program, were established in the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) facility. RHIC can collide a large variety of nuclear species from p + p to U + U, and is currently the only collider...
王妹 查
01/09/2017, 14:25
1) Hot and dense matter physics (QGP and heavy ion collision)
Suppression of J/ψ production in heavy-ion collisions due to color screening of quark and antiquark potential in the deconfined medium has been proposed as a signature of the QGP formation. Other mechanisms, such as the cold nuclear matter effects and J/ψ regeneration from charm quark-antiquark recombination in the medium, can contribute to the observed modification of the J/ψ production in...
Chensheng Zhou
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
01/09/2017, 14:50
1) Hot and dense matter physics (QGP and heavy ion collision)
The spin alignment of the φ-meson could be sensitive to different hadronization scenarios and the vorticity of the colliding system. We present the spin alignment measurements of φ-mesons produced at mid-rapidity with transverse momentum up to 5 GeV/c in STAR. The alignment is quantified by the diagonal spin density matrix elements ρ00 with respect to the normal of the 1st order event plane,...
Jie Zhao
01/09/2017, 15:15
1) Hot and dense matter physics (QGP and heavy ion collision)
Metastable domains of fluctuating topological charges can change the chirality of quarks and induce local parity violation in quantum chromodynamics. This can lead to observable charge separation along the direction of the strong magnetic field produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, a phenomenon called the chiral magnetic effect (CME). A major background source for CME measurements is...
Shuai Yang
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
01/09/2017, 15:40
1) Hot and dense matter physics (QGP and heavy ion collision)
Recently, a significant excess of J/ψ yield at very low transverse momenta (pT<0.3 GeV/c) was reported by the ALICE collaboration in peripheral Pb+Pb collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√ = 2.76 TeV [1]. STAR collaboration also observed the similar behavior of J/ψ production in peripheral Au+Au collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√ = 200 GeV and U+U collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√ = 193 GeV. These observations may point to...
01/09/2017, 16:30
1) Hot and dense matter physics (QGP and heavy ion collision)
The second phase of the Beam Energy Scan at RHIC, BES-II, is scheduled for 2019-2020 and will explore with precision measurements the high baryon density region of the QCD phase diagram. The program will examine the energy region of interest from 7.7 to 19.6 GeV which is determined from the results of BES-I. Some of the key measurements anticipated are: the net-protons kurtosis that could...
Yaping Wang
(Institute of paticle physics, Central China Normal University)
01/09/2017, 16:55
1) Hot and dense matter physics (QGP and heavy ion collision)
One of the primary goals of the spin physics program at STAR is to constrain the polarized gluon distribution function, Δg(x), by measuring the longitudinal double-spin asymmetry (${A}{LL})ofvariousfinal−statechannels.Usingajetinthemid−rapidityregion|\eta|<0.9correlatedwithaback−to−backneutralpionintheforwardrapidityregion0.8<\eta<2.0intheSTARendcapprovidesanewtooltoaccessthe\Delta...
Shenghui Zhang
(University of Science and Technology of China)
01/09/2017, 17:20
1) Hot and dense matter physics (QGP and heavy ion collision)
Heavy quarks are predominantly produced at early stages of the relativistic heavy-ion collisions before the creation of the QCD medium, known as the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). Heavy quarks may traverse the QGP throughout its evolution, and thus are suggested as an excellent probe to study the properties of the QGP. Comparing the yield of heavy-flavor hadron decayed electrons at large transverse...
Zhen LIU
(University of Science and Technology of China)
01/09/2017, 17:40
1) Hot and dense matter physics (QGP and heavy ion collision)
Quarkonium production is an important tool to study the properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) formed in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. In particular, suppression of the J/ψ meson production due to the color screening effect in the medium was proposed as a direct evidence of the QGP formation. However, interpretation of the J/ψ suppression measured in heavy-ion collisions is still...
Adam Gibson
(Valparaiso University)
02/09/2017, 14:00
2) Hadron spectroscopy and exotics
A major goal of the proton spin physics program at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) is to constrain the gluon polarization distribution $\Delta g (x)$ and thus determine the contribution of gluons to the spin of the proton. Measurements of spin asymmetries with jets and neutral pions at central pseudorapidities at STAR and PHENIX have been critical to this effort. Recent global...
Sourav Kundu
02/09/2017, 14:25
1) Hot and dense matter physics (QGP and heavy ion collision)
Polarization of hyperons and vector mesons in non-central heavy-ion collisions could occur due to the large initial angular momentum of the system or during the process of hadronization. Polarization studies of hyperons and vector mesons can give us information about the initial angular momentum in heavy-ion collisions. This phenomenon could create a non-uniform angular distribution of the...
syaefudin jaelani
(Utrecht University)
02/09/2017, 14:45
1) Hot and dense matter physics (QGP and heavy ion collision)
Open heavy-flavour hadrons are unique probes to study the Quark-Gluon Plasma formed in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Due to their large masses, heavy quarks are produced in hard scattering processes in the early stages of the collisions and thus experience the full evolution of the medium, loosing part of their energy interacting with its constituents. The in-medium energy loss can...
You Zhou
(Niels Bohr Institute)
03/09/2017, 14:00
1) Hot and dense matter physics (QGP and heavy ion collision)
The primary goal of the ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collision program at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is to study the properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), a novel state of strongly interacting matter that is proposed to exist at high temperatures and energy densities. Studies of azimuthal correlations of produced particles have contributed significantly to the characterization of...
Enrico Fragiacomo
03/09/2017, 14:25
1) Hot and dense matter physics (QGP and heavy ion collision)
Short-lived resonances have been early recognized as good probes to investigate the late-stage evolution of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. More recently, resonances with different masses and quark composition have provided valuable contributions to the understanding of strangeness production, in particular for the observed multiplicity-dependent enhancement in small systems, and...
Strangeness production in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC energies measured with ALICE
Domenico Colella
03/09/2017, 14:50
1) Hot and dense matter physics (QGP and heavy ion collision)
The main goal of heavy-ion physics is to study the properties of the deconfined state of matter known as the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. A systematic study of strangeness production is of fundamental importance for determining the thermal properties of the system created in such collisions. In the central barrel of the ALICE detector, K0s, Λ, Ξ...
Renu Bala
(University of Jammu)
03/09/2017, 15:15
1) Hot and dense matter physics (QGP and heavy ion collision)
Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) are sensitive probes to study the properties of the hot Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) produced in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Due to their large masses, they are produced in the initial state of the collision predominantly by gluon fusion processes, so that they explore the entire evolution of the produced system of strongly interacting matter. The Large Hadron...
Daniel Mühlheim
(Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)
03/09/2017, 15:40
1) Hot and dense matter physics (QGP and heavy ion collision)
The ALICE experiment is dedicated to the study of the so-called Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) which is created in highly energetic heavy-ion collisions. To investigate and understand the properties of this hot and dense partonic medium, the analysis of pp and p-Pb collisions also plays an important role. In this context, one point of general interest is the measurement of direct photons. They can...
Liang Zheng
(Central China Normal University)
03/09/2017, 16:30
2) Hadron spectroscopy and exotics
Sivers function describes the anisotropy of parton distributions inside a transversely polarized nucleon in the momentum space. The study of the largely unexplored gluon Sivers function (GSF) is important to obtain a complete picture of the 2+1D momentum structure of nucleons. It is proposed that the GSF can be studied through the single spin asymmetry (SSA) with collisions of electrons on...
Jiayin SUN
03/09/2017, 16:55
1) Hot and dense matter physics (QGP and heavy ion collision)
Since 2013, LHCb has been developing an ambitious heavy ion physics program which is highly complementary to the other LHC experiments, thanks to the unique coverage of the forward rapidity region and the detector specialized capabilities on reconstruction of heavy flavour hadrons. In this talk, we will present the latest results in p-Pb and Pb-p collisions at sqrt(sNN)=5.02 and 8.16 TeV. Cold...
03/09/2017, 17:20
1) Hot and dense matter physics (QGP and heavy ion collision)
The suppression of heavy quarkonia states in heavy-ion collisions is a phenomenon understood as a consequence of QGP formation in the hot, dense system produced in interactions of heavy ions at high energy. In addition to hot matter effects, cold nuclear effects can play an important role in quarkonia production. Therefore, a full assessment of different physics scenarios requires detailed...
(Portugal 1-LIP)
03/09/2017, 17:40
1) Hot and dense matter physics (QGP and heavy ion collision)
Jets constitute a golden probe to study the quark gluon plasma produced in heavy ion collisions at the LHC. Being produced at the early stages of the collisions, they are expected to be modified as propagating through the hot and dense medium. A signature of the modification is the energy loss lowering the jet yields at a given transverse momentum. A factor of two suppression is observed in...