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CCNU IoPP student forum (theory)

9410 (Central China Normal University)


Central China Normal University

9410, CCNU, Wuhan, Hubei, China
峰磊 刘 (Central China Normal University)

The sixth workshop on Relativistic Heavy-Ion physics, now renamed as Iopp Student Forum will be held in Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China on November 24, 2017.

Heavy-Ion physics investigates the properties of the strongly coupled matter created in Relativistic heavy-ion collisions at RHIC in Brookhaven and LHC in CERN, known as the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). The workshop will discuss recent developments in theoretical, phenomenological and experimental studies of this new hot-dense medium. Topics of interest includes:

  • ​QCD at high temperature
  • Baryon-rich QCD matter
  • ​QGP in small systems
  • ​Initial state physics and approach to thermal equilibrium
  • ​Collective dynamics
  • ​Correlations and fluctuations
  • Jets and jet quenching
  • Heavy flavour and quarkonium
  • Electroweak probes
  • Strongly coupled systems
  • New theoretical developments


  • Chi Ding
  • Kai Jia
  • lei wang
  • Lin Chen
  • xiangyu wu
  • Yuanyuan Zhang
  • Zefang Jiang
    • Opening: IOPP.S.F

      The IOPP.S.F review, introduction, and outlook.

      Convener: Mr fenglei Liu
    • Fragmentation via Recombination of parton showers
      Convener: Ms wenjing Xing
    • 19:50
      Coffe break
    • New pertubative solutions for relativistic hydrodynamics
      Convener: Mr zefang Jiang
    • 20:50
      coffe break
    • To be confirmed
      Convener: Dr Caio Bo
    • Closed: new chair man introduction
      Convener: Mr kai Jia