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Dec 11 – 13, 2017
Asia/Shanghai timezone
Registration extended to: 10 December 2017; Abstract submission deadline: 15 November 2017

The workshop on ambient ground motion and vibration suppression for low emittance storage ring, organized by the Institute of High Energy Physics, will be held in Beijing, China, from Dec. 11-13, 2017.

This workshop will address the very challenging beam stability requirements of low emittance storage ring based light source and present the latest solutions for damping vibrations. Critical aspects include site vibration specifications, stable building design concepts, and passive and active ways to minimize effects on the stability of the photon beam and critical accelerator and beamline components caused by ambient ground motion and other sources. This workshop focuses on the stability issues, the effects of ambient motions to the beam and the suppression approaches of the worldwide synchrotron facilities. 

Scientific Program Committee:

John Byrd  (ANL, Chair)                

Timur Shaftan (BNL)               Chin-Cheng Kuo  (NSRRC)

Masaru Takao (JASRI)             Brian Norsk Jensen  (MAX Lab) 

Lin Liu  (LNLS)                        Lixin Yin (SINAP)

Lin Zhang  (SLAC)                   Qing Qin (IHEP)

19B, Yuquan Road, Shijingshan District, Beijing, China