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20–22 Nov 2017
Asia/Shanghai timezone
This is the SPMT mass production review and SPMT workshop at HZC in Hainan, China from Nov 20 to Nov 22.

Participant List

15 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Anatael CABRERA IN2P3/CNRS -- APC Laboratory (Paris, France)
Bayarto Lubsandorzhiev Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS
Bei-Zhen Hu Department of Physics, National Taiwan University
Cedric Cerna CENBG - CNRS/IN2P3
Chuanya Cao Ihep
Jianglai Liu SJTU
Jilei Xu IHEP, China
Liangjian Wen Institute of High Energy Physics
Miao He IHEP
Xiaonan LI Xiaonan Experimental Physics Center
Xuantong ZHANG Experimental Physics Division, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Zheng WANG 高能所
Zhimin WANG 中国科学院高能物理研究所