3:00 PM
Fundamental Studies of Impurity Doping in 1.3 GHz and Higher Frequency SRF Cavities
James Maniscalco
(Cornell University)
3:05 PM
FRIB Fast Machine Protection System: Chopper Monitor System Design
ZhiYong Li
(Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University)
3:10 PM
Precise Evaluation of Characteristic of the Multi-layer Thin-film Superconductor Consisting of NbN and Insulator on Pure Nb Substrate
Ryo Katayama
(Kyoto University)
3:15 PM
Investigation of Low Temperature Baking on the Surface Resistance of Niobium Between 325 MHz and 1300 MHz Using a Coaxial Half Wave Cavity
HyeKyoung Park
(Old Dominion University)
3:20 PM
Cryogenic Test Results of the SPS Prototype RF-dipole Crabbing Cavity with Higher Order Mode Couplers
Subashini Uddika De Silva
3:25 PM
Vertical Test Results of Plasma In-situ Cleaning on Low Beta HWR Cavity
Andong Wu
(IMP/CAS, Lanzhou)
3:30 PM
Tests of the Balloon Single Spoke Resonator
Zhongyuan Yao
3:35 PM
Development of CW Heavy Ion Linac at IMP
Xuejun Yin
(CSNS Group)
3:40 PM
Extension of Busch's Theorem to Particle Beams
Lars Groening
3:45 PM
Numerical and Experimental Study of H- Beam Dynamics in J-PARC LEBT
Takanori Shibata
3:50 PM
The CW Beam Experiment of Window-type RFQ
kun zhu
(Peking university)
3:55 PM
Determination of the Field-dependence of the Surface Resistance of Superconductors From Cavity Tests
Jean Delayen