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Sep 16 – 21, 2018
Asia/Shanghai timezone
Online Registration Deadline:August 17, 2018

LINAC'18 Proceedings has been published on Jan. 22, 2019.


We are pleased to announce and invite you to the 29th Linear Accelerator Conference, LINAC 18, to take place at the Friendship Hotel and Conference Venue in Beijing, China on 16-21 September 2018.

This conference is the main bi-yearly gathering for the world-wide community of linac specialists. It provides a unique opportunity to hear about the latest advances of projects and developments concerning hadron and lepton linacs, and their applications.

In the tradition of previous LINAC conferences, plenary sessions including invited speakers are scheduled every day. Poster sessions will be held on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. There will also be two special events on Sunday, 16 September 2018 , namely a student poster session and an evening reception for registrants and their companions at the Friendship Hotel and Conference Venue. Participants are also warmly invited to join an outing to Summer Palace or Great Wall and the beautiful surroundings on Wednesday afternoon, and to visit IHEP major facilities or PKU as well as THU major facilities on Friday afternoon, after the formal end of the conference.

Participants of LINAC 18 will include representatives of institutions and companies involved in the design, construction or use of linear accelerators. Companies interested in promoting their products are encouraged to hold a booth in the industrial exhibit and to apply for sponsorship.

The active participation of students is encouraged, with incentives and funding available for supporting those who qualify. We look forward to welcoming you to Beijing! Sincerely,

Guoxi Pei – IOC Chair
Yunlong Chi – LOC Chair

Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 19B Yuquan Road, Shijingshan District, BEIJING 100049, P. R. CHINA