Mon. March 26th |
Tue. March 27th |
Wed. March 28th |
Thu. March 29th |
Fri. March 30th |
8:30 - 10:00 |
8:00-9:00 Registration 9:00-10:00 Opening and Intro. to the week (K. Melnikov) |
Amplitudes (S. Badger) |
Infrared Subtraction (R. Roentsch) |
Amplitudes (S. Badger) |
Infrared Subtraction (R. Roentsch) |
10:00 - 10:15 |
tea break |
tea break |
tea break |
tea break |
tea break |
10:15 - 11:45 |
Amplitudes (S. Badger) |
Feynman Integrals (L. Tancredi) |
Parton Shower (S. Hoeche) |
Feynman Integrals (L. Tancredi) |
Resummation (P. Monni) |
11:45 - 13:00 |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
13:00 - 13:30 |
Jun Gao |
Xing-Gang Wu |
Yu Jia |
Zhao Li |
Li Lin Yang |
13:30 - 15:00 |
Feynman Integrals (L. Tancredi) |
Parton Shower (S. Hoeche) |
Resummation (P. Monni) |
Parton Shower (S. Hoeche) |
13:30-14:30 Discussion 14:30-15:00 Hui Luo |
15:00 - 15:15 |
tea break |
tea break |
tea break |
tea break |
tea break |
15:15 - 16:45 |
Infrared Subtraction (R. Roentsch) |
Resummation (P. Monni) |
15:15-16:15 Discussion 16:15-16:45 Peng Sun 16:45-17:15 Xiao Liu |
15:15-16:15 Discussion 16:15-16:45 Jian Zhou 16:45-17:15 L. B. Chen
15:15-15:45 Gang Yang 15:45:16:45 Outlook (L. Dixon) |
16:45 - 18:00 |
16:45-17:45 Discussion |
16:45-17:45 Discussion 17:45-18:15 Xiaohui Liu |
Closing |
evening |
Public talk (L. Dixon) |
Banquet |