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CEPC Physics and detector regular meeting

A415 (IHEP)



CEPC Physics and detector regular meeting

Wednesday, December 20, 2017 from 15:00 to 17:00 at IHEP ( A415 )

1. Introduction from Joao

-- CEPC workshop in Rome, May 24, 25 and 26 (Thurs - Sat)
This workshop has accelerator and detector session for 2.5 days. Since the time is limited, the workshop can not cover everything, it will more focus on detector.
Every group please submit your request for the workshop to Joao, the number of participants from your group, the topics that can be shown in the conference, e.g..

-- CDR timescale
submit the new version by the end of this week, feel free to update to Git

2. physics and simulation:

They are now working on two benchmark sample with 3T magnetic field: H->bb/cc/gg and  H->mumu (No 3T sample for H->mumu yet, in generating)
It is very important to write down the plan for next step, making sure what to be put in CDR with 3T.
Yuquan said that it is clear that they can't redo everything for 3T, so for physics, they will focus on 2 channels, the sample generation will take about 1 month.
Gang will finish the flavor tagging in one week.
Manqi said the manpower is not enough, they will try to solve this problem soon.

3. Vertex:

Ouyang said that they didn't get commets from CDR reviewer, maybe after New year holidays.
Joao suggested to specify the reason to choose 5 um as the resolution indicator. Ouyang answered that this number is based on ILC reference and our own scaling parameter requirement. This number is synchronized with simulation, the study proves that 5 um is the reasonable value.

4. Silicon:

Joao specified the expectation for CDR optimization and writing.
1) synchronizing the description with performance study people
2) the description for R&D is not enough.
3) mechanic section needs  more details
Meng said he will consider these comments.

4. TPC:
Huirong said they have uploaded the new version to Git.

5. CALO:
Tao said they had a discussion with Manqi, Haijun and Jianbei. They discussed the key design parameters for calorimeter
1) They decided to put the optimization study for calorimeter key parameter into CDR  
2)  For the ECAL, they optimized the scintillator shape from 5*4.5 mm^2 to 15*15 mm^2. The number of channels will not changed, only changing the cell size.
3) Optimization for dynamic region of scintillator and SiPM. Considering the physics requirement and the difference between scintillator and SiPM, they decided to use 500 as the baseline design, 1000 as the option, which can avoid the risk. And it needs a coincident statement in the text.
4) ECAL time resolution: Whether do we need to change to a optional requirement? Manqi suggested to keep the 50ps as the baseline.

5. Magnet:
Magnet group showed some new simulation results for two different magnet designs, comparing the perfermance of two design. Then they showed comparison of the cost estimation of two design.
They also had discussed with Muon group for the efficiency study.



There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 15:00 15:20
      Introduction 20m
      Speaker: Joao Guimaraes Costa
    • 15:20 16:50
      Quick CDR reports from conveners
      • 15:20
        Simulation and Physics 10m
        Speakers: LI Gang ( EPC.IHEP ), Mr Manqi Ruan (IHEP)
      • 15:30
        MDI 10m
        Speaker: Dr Hongbo ZHU (IHEP)
      • 15:40
        Silicon Vertex 10m
        Speaker: Prof. Qun OUYANG (IHEP)
      • 15:50
        Silicon Tracker 10m
        Speaker: Meng Wang (高能所)
      • 16:00
        TPC 10m
        Speaker: Dr Huirong Qi (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)
      • 16:10
        Electromagnetic Calorimeter 10m
        Speakers: Haijun Yang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) , Prof. Haijun Yang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) , Dr Jianbei Liu (University of Science and Technology of China) , Prof. Tao HU (IHEP)
      • 16:20
        Hadronic Calorimeter 10m
        Speakers: Haijun Yang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) , Prof. Haijun Yang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) , Dr Jianbei Liu (University of Science and Technology of China) , Prof. Tao HU (IHEP)
      • 16:30
        Magnet 10m
        Speakers: Dr Feipeng NING Feipeng (高能所) , Mr Zian ZHU Zian (高能所)
      • 16:40
        Muon Detector 10m
        Speaker: Prof. Liang Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)