CEPC Physics and detector regular meeting

A415 (IHEP)



CEPC Physics and detector regular meeting
Wednesday, January 31, 2018 from 15:00 to 17:10 (Asia/Shanghai)
at IHEP ( A415 )

1. Physics:
Gang reported the status of bench mark analysis. They got some signal distribution for ZH (Z->mu+mu-), Higgs -> mu+mu-, Higgs -> WW/ZZ and Higgs -> invisible, and compared with 3.5T sample.
Now the results for WW ZZ and invisible channel are not in good shape, and the result for CDR will be finished by next month.

2. MDI:
Hongbo reported the status of MDI. Firstly, the machine parameters are not finalized, for example, they got the workable dynamic aperture, but with littler margin to cope with magnet errors. To figure out these problems, they plan to have an internal review on 3 Feb, followed by another review on 10 Feb, to make a final decision.

Secondly, for the background estimation, they decided to carry out background estimation with the latest machine parameters and lattice design, and try to get all the results in two weeks.

At last, for the CDR writing, they added more texts on the final focusing magnets, re-wrote most of the background sections, and got a new draft on the LumiCal. They will upload the current version to the Git on this Friday for reading and comments.

3. Vertex:
Yunpeng give a status report orally. They have uploaded the new version to Git. Most of the parts are finished, only the section 4.4——beam related background is not ready which needs the hit density and the number from MDI, they will finish it after the spring festival. They also re-write the technology section, changed the priority of the different technologies, also changed the language based on the comments.

4. TPC:

Huirong showed the name list of people that contributed to the CDR text and asked for the comments from people. Joao said that the Chinese institute on the list is fine, for the foreign institute, we need firstly get their approval and make sure they agree to add the name on the list.

For the CDR writing, the section for laser calibration and alignment system need to be polished, also the Reference bib file would be added soon. Joao said that we should make sure the calibration system can not on the silicon tracker, it is better to talk with Meng Wang about it.

5. Drift Chamber
Franco said they will upload the text to Git on Wednesday.

6. Muon Detector
The description of Muon chapter is too long. It is better to contact Liang Li by email. Joao is better to be involved in the discussion.

7. Calo

Tao gave a status report for calorimeter. He said they changed the module from 4x45x2 mm^3 to 15x15x3 mm^3, changing the SiPMT couple from side to center and got better hole uniformity. New MC result on Energy and time resolution is finished. They also tried the dynamic range by larger area and/or smaller pixel size. Then simplified the electronics part.

For the CDR status, the preliminary version has been upload to GIT, however, more work needed to be done. Firstly, they need more test on light yield and uniformity, MC on time resolution, also need the consistent check with physics chapter.

Joao suggested that there is no need to use the plots to show the choice of length of module, just use one sentence to clarify the choice of 3mm.

8. Dual readout
Roberto said they add some text for introduction, and waiting for the feedback from others. After that, their part will be shown up soon.


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