1. Status of the Workshop:
• Poster Session:
Currently, the support for poster session is minimal. If someone are willing to give a poster, the conveners should send Joao a poster list by end of the week.
Physics, Vertex, Calorimeter group replied that they don't have many poster for the workshop, the oral presentation is more reliable.
• Parallel Sessions status:
Accelerator parallel session program finalized
Tracker: Zhijun has some discussion with other conveners, but not yet finalized.
Calorimeter: most of the talks are fixed.
Physics and Simulation: still need more speakers, the conveners will put more efforts on searching for the speakers.
2. CDR status:
Each group need t provide the power consumption for each sub-detector by Monday at the latest.
3. Status of the physics analysis in CDR
Gang gave a talk to summarize the current status of different kinds of physics analysis. Joao want to make sure which channels will be put in CDR, and the samples for each channels. Manqi said they add more manpower but still need 2~3 months to finish all the channels. Joao said the conveners should communicate with each other to figure out the plan for finishing these analysis.