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10–15 Nov 2019
Guangzhou SYSU Kaifeng Hotel
Asia/Shanghai timezone


12 Nov 2019, 10:30
1h 30m
Guangzhou SYSU Kaifeng Hotel

Guangzhou SYSU Kaifeng Hotel

Board: 10


Mr Cai Meng (高能所)


Circular Electron-Positron Collider (CEPC) is a 100 km ring e+ e- collider for a Higgs factory. The injector is composed of Linac and Booster. Luminosity is the core and key parameter of the collider. High integral luminosi-ty is the pursuit of CEPC design, so the top-up injection scheme, long running time and high availability is neces-sary. As the first part of injector, high availability of the Linac is very important and should be considered care-fully in the design. A reliability and availability analysis program RAAS is under developing based on Monte Carlo method and will be introduced. The preliminary availability analysis of the CEPC Linac will be presented and discussed using RAAS.

Primary author

Mr Cai Meng (高能所)

Presentation materials

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