New Trends, Big Data, Machine Learning
- Brower Julian (高能所)
Wolfgang Geithner
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung)
15/11/2019, 09:00
New Trends, Big Data, Machine Learning – was “Innovations in Accelerator Automation and Robotics – J. Brower” and “Big Data and Machine Learning – D. Newhart”
The ion storage ring is a FAIR phase 0 machine and used as test bed for FAIR concepts and prototypes in addition to being a facility for physics experiments. CRYRING ESR is equipped with an offline ion source and linear accelerator providing ion beams with energies up to 300 keV per u. This so called injector can be operated independently of FAIR or GSI and is used for machine testing and...
Doug Preddy
15/11/2019, 09:30
By combining data from laser trackers and laser scanners we can develop 3D models of an accelerator system as it is built. This allows more precise shielding installations, higher tolerancing of equipment placement and a more productive design environment. Scans of areas are taken during beam off periods and combined with other alignment parameters. The designers can use this information to...