Poster Session
- Doug Preddy (Triumf)
Petra Schuett
(GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
12/11/2019, 10:30
The Facility for Anti-Proton and Ion Research (FAIR) is presently under construction on the campus of the GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH at Darmstadt, Germany. It extends and partly supersedes the existing GSI accelerator complex. In 2018, the intermediate experimental program FAIR phase 0 has been started, which offers beam time for experiments until the start of FAIR...
(Synchrotron SOLEIL)
12/11/2019, 10:30
Synchrotron SOLEIL is the 3rd generation French synchrotron light source. It has been in operation since 2007 providing photon beams to 29 beamlines with a maximum intensity of 500 mA, 5000 hours a year.
Since a few years, we are facing at an increasing number of leaks on brazing joints of our LCW cooling circuits. This type of incident impacts deeply the beam availability and may be the...
Joan Casas
(ALBA Synchrotron)
, Mr
Jordi Iglesias
(ALBA Synchrotron)
, Ms
Lluisa Fuentes
(ALBA Synchrotron)
12/11/2019, 10:30
The storage ring is feed from a full-energy 249.6 m booster ring preceded by a 100 MeV LINAC that acelerates electrons from a 100KeV electron gun.
The electron gun, the LINAC, the booster ring and the storage ring are enclosed in a high density BaSO4-filled concrete bunker (tunnel-like) provided with a high capacity dedicated HVAC system aimed to keep temperature stable within a very narrow...
Gregory Marr
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
12/11/2019, 10:30
Monitoring a display of alarms can suffice to quickly notify Operators of a fault condition. However, alarm management can be difficult. Diagnosing the root cause in complicated subsystems can be a lengthy task. Operations at the Collider-Accelerator Department (C-AD) of Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) makes use of some automated analysis tools to collect and process data when certain...
Yue Yuan
12/11/2019, 10:30
The target is a key part of the CSNS facility, which bears the average beam power of 100KW to 500KW. Beam position on the target must be strictly controlled to avoid damage to the target. The target imaging system can give the position and size on the target, but it is difficult to observe the signal in single shot mode and it become insensitive over time. In this paper, we propose to...
12/11/2019, 10:30
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) cryogenic system architecture is made up of eight independent cryogenic plants at 4.5 K linked with eight units at 1.8 K and the associated cryo-distribution system, supplying each of the eight ring sectors with superfluid helium for a total helium inventory of more than 130 tons. It is using a wide variety of equipment with over 3’500 operating conditions to...
yanru Wei
12/11/2019, 10:30
At present, the Loco correction of quadrupole has been a application in the operation of the BEPCII accelerator division. When exists the energy deviation in the collider, the beam correction is used to improve the luminosity. However, there is a lack of sextupole correction. Sextupole corrections has been used in KEKB and RHCIL. Correcting the sextupole can increase beam life, dynamic...
Jose Franco Campos
12/11/2019, 10:30
In order to improve the workflow of the people working on the construction of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc), several web-based tools have been implemented. One of the most important ones is a custom fault tracking system, developed in-house. Previously, when a problem was found, workers had to fill an “event report” (a Word document) and upload it to the the document...
Viktor Fred
(European Spallation Source ERIC)
12/11/2019, 10:30
Modular design to enhance flexibility to cope with changes both in regards of permanent devices but also change of strategies for installations. I will show how we have implemented this concept into out design for machine protection at ESS and perhaps there are other people with similar experience who can add value to our upcoming design phases. At the moment we are building and installing the...
Yue Yuan
12/11/2019, 10:30
The beam energy dispersion in the injector of CSNS RCS is critical to the optimization of the RCS beam parameters. This paper introduces two different methods based on the wall current monitor (WCM) and wire scanner installed in the CSNS linear accelerator to measure the beam energy dispersion. The measurement errors are analyzed. The debuncher is used to adjust the energy dispersion of the...
Stephane Gabourin
12/11/2019, 10:30
The ESS machine being still under construction, Machine Protection at ESS needs to foresee a maximum of scenarios of what could happen in the machine and how the protection systems should react. These scenarios are discussed through Use Cases, which are difficult to manage because of the complexity of the dependencies between the systems involved. To cover this complexity, a part of the Use...
Dennis Haupt
12/11/2019, 10:30
A high machine availability is an important performance indicator for modern synchrotron light sources. To reach this goal of stabilizing operations by minimizing the occurrence and duration of downtime events, reliable tools and methods for root-cause analysis and fault tracking play an important role. Here we describe how we do this business at PETRA III.
Marc Munoz
(European Spallation Source)
12/11/2019, 10:30
The first section of the ESS Linac, the proton Ion Source and the LEBT, were commissioned between September 2018 and July 2019. That was the first time that beam has been produced at the ESS, and it is the first step to the planned start of the user program in 2023.
In this presentation we show the first results of the commissioning, as well as showing the main problems found during operation...
Martin Carroll
12/11/2019, 10:30
When designing PLC based safety or protection critical systems to be used in a dynamic design environment, flexibility of design is crucial for the operation and integrity of the system. A dynamic design environment is one where change can be constant, such as when the implementation stage of the project life cycle overlaps largely with the design stage due to complexity or time limitations,...
Kenneth Baggett
(Jefferson Lab)
12/11/2019, 10:30
The 12GeV upgrade at Jefferson Lab doubled the energy reach of the lab’s recirculating accelerator. This upgrade was made possible by advances in cryomodule and cavity design improvements that led to higher gradient gain per cryomodule. The upgrade included 10 these new “C100” modules designed to provide 100MeV of acceleration capability plus an additional margin of 10%.
Now that we are...
12/11/2019, 10:30
The Chinese ADS project now is under key technology R&D, after 25 MeV proton superconducting linac had been assembled and commissioned in Lanzhou by collaboration between IMP and IHEP. This accelerator is updated to a 1/2 charge to mass ratio super-conducting Linac which is called CAFe(Chinese ADS facility experiments in Lanzhou). This facility can provide 25MeV proton beam and 38MeV α beam...
Arne Brinkmann
(Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron)
12/11/2019, 10:30
Quality Management becomes more and more relevant in terms of availability and
reliability of an state-of-the-art Accelerator. We present the implementation
of methods and tools which will be used in the future to overcome unneeded downtime.
hiroshi uchiyama
(Accelerator Engineering Corporation)
12/11/2019, 10:30
A superconducting rotating-gantry for carbon ion radiotherapy had first patient in May 2017, the number of therapeutic irradiations in a day is almost 20shot recently. This gantry using superconducting magnets can transport heavy ions having 430 MeV/u to the isocenter. The length and maximum radius are 14 m and 6.5 m, and the total weight of the rotating structure is approximately order of 300...
Yosuke Hirata
(National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
12/11/2019, 10:30
The development of IFMIF (International Fusion Material Irradiation Facility) to generate a 14 MeV source of neutrons with the spectrum of D-T fusion reactions is indispensable to characterize suitable materials for the first wall of the nuclear vessel in future fusion power plants. As part of IFMIF validation activities, LIPAc (Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator) is being constructed at...
Yue Yuan
12/11/2019, 10:30
Traditional machine parameters management just concerns about magnetic fields and is not conducive to management for a long time by text file . This paper will introduce the state of CSNS accelerator machine management. Based on the MySQL database, all the accelerator parameters are stored in the database and later used for machine recovery. In addition to the single point data, we also...
Keitaro Kondo
12/11/2019, 10:30
The construction of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc) has been conducted at Rokkasho, Japan for the development of the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) aiming at material characterization for fusion power plants. The aim of this prototype accelerator is to demonstrate the validity of the low energy section of an IFMIF deuteron accelerator up to 9 MeV...
Daiki Takahashi
(Accelerator Engineering Corporation)
12/11/2019, 10:30
Cooling of magnet coil by LCW (Low Conductivity Water) is among basic things of most particle accelerator facilities. Magnet protection by water flow rate will fail, if flow meters fraud, like reading stuck to “good” value despite reduced or even stopped flow. We have suffered from false reading from time to time, because we just checked face value during our routine bi-weekly maintenance...
Hikaru Souda
(Yamagata University, Gunma University)
12/11/2019, 10:30
Gunma University Heavy Ion Medical Center has operated a heavy ion treatment system consists of an ion source, linear accelerators, a synchrotron and irradiation systems for 9 years. Machine availability is around 99% for treatment operation after 2015, and around 98% for overall operation including experiments. Until August 2019, fatal trouble which stops the treatment for a more than 2 days...
Masayuki Muramatsu
(National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
12/11/2019, 10:30
Carbon-ion radiotherapy (C-ion RT) using Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HIMAC) has been carried out in National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS-QST) since 1994. Over 12000 cancer patients have been treated with carbon beams having energies of between 56-430 MeV/u. A 10 GHz electron cyclotron resonance ion source, named NIRS-ECR, is used for production of carbon ion at HIMAC....
LI Mingtao
12/11/2019, 10:30
Two kinds of Longitudinal Tomography algorithms have been developed in RCS of CSNS. Advantages and disadvantages of the two method will be discussed in this work
12/11/2019, 10:30
There is an introduction to superconducting section for CAFe(Chinese ADS Front-end Demo Linac).And on this basis a simple reliability analysis is applied.
Samuel Meyroneinc
(Institut Curie)
12/11/2019, 10:30
Optimizing the reliability of a Particle Accelerator consists in organizing tasks for scheduled and unscheduled events, in order to reach the beams and the global performances expected.
The word of trust is usually more used than rely on to qualify the relation with a person or a team.
Based on analogies with Radiation Oncology and Medical Physics, we will develop the fact that trust can...
Andreas Stolz
(Michigan State University)
12/11/2019, 10:30
The National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) at Michigan State University is a United States national user facility for rare isotope research and education in nuclear science, astro-nuclear physics, and accelerator science. The Coupled Cyclotron Facility at NSCL, consisting of two coupled cyclotrons, accelerates stable ion beams to energies of up to 170 MeV/u. Rare isotope beams...
Shu Nakamura
12/11/2019, 10:30
SuperKEKB is an asymmetric-energy electron-positron collider for Belle II experiment to search new phenomena in B-meson decays.
The MR magnet system consists of about 2,600 magnets, power supplies, and their interlock system.
More than 400 magnets and power supplies were newly fabricated.
The number of power supplies for the Main Ring (MR) magnets is 2393 as of June 2019.
The most part...
Jean-Francois Lamarre
12/11/2019, 10:30
Synchrotron SOLEIL is the 3rd generation French synchrotron light source. It has been in operation since 2007 providing photon beams to 29 beamlines with a maximum intensity of 500 mA 5000 hours a year.
Since the beginning of 2018, the operation group has been migrating to JIRA Altassian Software as a unique tool for reporting failures. The tool was already used by the computing division...
Nataliya Zalatar
Stephen Carruthers
(Canadian light Source Saskatoon SK Canada)
12/11/2019, 10:30
Accelerator System
The Canadian Light Source (CLS) Synchrotron had first light in 2004. Our linac was built in the 1960's and was a part of the Saskatchewan Accelerator Laboratory (SAL), whereas the rest of accelerator was built under the CLS project, approved in 1999. Over the last 15 years we have made upgrades to various accelerator systems to operate reliably. Herein we will review the upgrades done to the...
Antti Jokinen
(Fusion For Energy BA-IFMIF, Germany)
12/11/2019, 10:30
The Linear IFMIF prototype accelerator, LIPAc, aims at producing a powerful (9MeV, 1.1MW) deuteron beam at 125mA in CW, to validate the concept of the future IFMIF accelerator (40MeV, 125mA CW). The beam is accelerated through two main accelerating stages (RF Quadrupole (RFQ) and SRF Linac), plus two bunching cavities as part of the Medium Energy Beam Transport (MEBT). In order the beam to be...
Brower Julian
, Mr
Yaqoob Asim
12/11/2019, 10:30
This poster will go through the concept, design, implementation and delivery of the new vibration condition monitoring system at the ISIS Synchrotron in Oxford England. It will show the initial reasons for doing the project and the problems and limitations of installing the system within a 35 year old Synchrotron building. We then explain the software infrastructure and new analytical tools...
Shengijn Liu
12/11/2019, 10:30
The front end means the front part of linac that includes IS, LEBT, RFQ and MEBT. As the start point of CSNS, the condition of front end is one of key factors which influence the stable operation of CSNS. Based on the beam requirement of CSNS phase I, the front end should provide a stable H- beam with energy of 3.0MeV, a maximum pulsed peak current up to 15mA, a beam duty factor 1.0% at a...
Liu Meifei
12/11/2019, 10:30
400Hz AC Series Resonant Pulse High Voltage Power Supply is an important part of Klystron Power Source of China Spallation Neutron Source Linear Accelerator. It can provide maximum - 120 kV DC high voltage. Each set of the high voltage power supply drives two klystrons. There are five sets of klystron power sources in CSNS linear accelerator, so there are three sets of high voltage power...
12/11/2019, 10:30
We aim to recover the machine faults as quickly as possible to provide a stable beam of good quality. But preventing the machine faults is more important. To do that, we had to make ‘warning signal’ about getting out of the stable range. And when the operator's direct action is needed immediately, the appropriate range and logic are made to generate a warning signal for each device by using...
Shouyan XU
12/11/2019, 10:30
China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) is the pulse facility that aims to provide hundreds kilowatt beam power for users. The Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) is a important part that under 25Hz to accelerate and accumulate beam energy to 1.6 GeV from 80 MeV. As a high intensity facility, the resonance dominated by space charge is very serious for the RCS. Towards to high intensity beam...