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23 June 2019 to 12 July 2019
School of Physics, PKU
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Scientific Programme

International Advisory Committee:

Norman Christ (Columbia University, US)

Shoji Hashimoto (KEK, Japan)

Karl Jansen (DESY, Germany)

Chuan Liu (Peking University, China)


Local Organizing Committee:

Qing-Hong Cao (Peking University)

Heng-Tong Ding (Central China Normal University)

Xu Feng (Peking University, Chair)

Yan-Qing Ma (Peking University)


Confirmed Lectures:

Sinya Aoki, Kyoto U. (Nuclear physics from lattice QCD)

Rajan Gupta, LANL (Nucleon matrix elements and intensity frontier)

Gregorio Herdoiza, U. of Madrid (Computational lattice QCD)

Karl Jansen, DESY Zeuthen (Introduction to lattice QCD)

Xiang-dong Ji, SJTU/U. of Maryland (LaMET and PDFs)

Luchang Jin, U. of Connecticut (Muon g-2 from lattice QCD)

David B. Kaplan, INT (Chiral fermions)

C.-J. David Lin, NCTU (BSM physics from lattice simulation)

Guido Martinelli, Universita di Roma (QCD+QED)

Ulf-G. Meißner , U. of Bonn & FZ Jülich (Lattice effective field theory)

Peter Petreczky, BNL (Finite temperature and density)

Christopher T. Sachrajda, U. of Southampton (Lattice flavour physics)

Stephen R. Sharpe, U. of Washington (Multi-channel/particle scattering)

Rainer Sommer, DESY Zeuthen (Nonperturbative renormalization)

Hiroshi Suzuki, Kyushu U. (Gradient flow)


Confirmed Colloquia:

David B. Kaplan, INT (Quantum computing)

Weonjong Lee, Seoul National U. (Epsilon_K / V_cb)

Stefan Meinel, Arizona U. (b hadron decays from LQCD)

Amy Nicholson, U. of North Carolina (Neutrinoless double beta decays)

Antonin Portelli, Edinburgh U. (Neutron-proton mass splitting)

Carsten Urbach, U. of Bonn (Hadron-hadron interactions)

Andre Walker-loud, Berkeley Lab (Chiral