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Review of the monolithic CMOS sensor technology and approach for High Luminosity LHC
DrPatrick Pangaud
C305 (IHEP)
Abstract: The LHC upgrade and other future colliders will lead to a significant increase in luminosity. The context of the ATLAS program focusing on the future tracker upgrade is a good start to show the benefits in the design of a new approach tracker, especially at a nominal leveled instantaneous luminosity of 5×1034 cm-2s-1
These future tracker detectors require enhanced granularity, reduced material budget and increased radiation hardness to all components.
I will introduce the benefit of monolithic depleted CMOS sensor, which may be able to replace the diode sensor and electronics of a hybrid module. This new technology proposes thinner module with less material, finer pixel granularity, lower price on any used technology and much simpler production model. In addition, enough radiation hardness for at least 1.5 10^15 neq /cm-2.
About the Speaker:
Patrick Pangaud is a microelectronic design engineer and head of the Electronics’ department in CPPM.
Since the beginning of the 90’s, he has worked on the conception and construction of detectors, with special emphasis on the design of complex electronics systems. He mainly worked within international collaborations in experiments realized at CERN for the LHC: CMS calorimeter and strips detectors, ATLAS Pixel detector etc. He has also participate on innovative experimental techniques on hybrid pixels detectors for imaging and biomedical applications. He covered various roles of responsibility in several national and international research and development projects, aimed at the conception of and/or at applying new experimental solutions. During the year 2010-2016, he was one of the founder/member of the ImXPAD spin-off, to develop X-Ray Imaging solutions using hybrid pixels development. Since 2014, he leads the Electronics’ department in CPPM and participates to the new effort on the very promising monolithic CMOS sensor for HEP experiments.