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CEPC International Advisory Committee

CEPC International Advisory Committee:
Young-Kee Kim (Chair), University of Chicago      
Barry Barish, Caltech                                                 
Hesheng Chen, IHEP                                    
Michel Davier, LAL                                                                                 
Brian Foster, DESY/U. Hamburg                        
Rohini Godbole, CHEP, Bangalore                          
David Gross, UC Santa Barbara                                
George Hou, Taiwan U.                                          
Peter Jenni, CERN & Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg 
Eugene Levichev, BINP                                          
Lucie Linssen , CERN                                                           
Joe Lykken, Fermilab                                                  
Luciano Maiani, U. Rome                                           
Michelangelo Mangano, CERN                                             
Hitoshi Murayama, IPMU/UC Berkeley
Tatsuya Nakada, EPFL                    
Katsunobu Oide, KEK                                                
Robert Palmer, BNL                   
John Seeman, SLAC                                                                                
Ian Shipsey, Oxford                                                       
Steinar Stapnes, CERN                                           
Geoffrey Tayler, U. Melbourne                           
Henry Tye, IAS, HKUST                               
Hendrik J. (Harry) Weerts, ANL