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October 14, 2019
CFHEP Theory Division
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Participant List

20 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Benjamin Fuks LPTHE / Sorbonne Université
Cen Zhang IHEP
Feng Feng China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
Gao Linqing IHEP
Gauthier Durieux Technion
Hongbo LIAO Hongbo Institute of High Energy Physics
Hua-Sheng Shao LPTHE / Sorbonne Université
Hui Luo Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics
kangyu chai Institute of High Energy Physics CAS
Michael Ramsey-Musolf SJTU/TDLI
ning chen Nankai University
Ran Ding CHEP, PKU
Xiaohui Liu BNU
Yan-Qing Ma PKU
Yu-Jie Zhang Beihang University
Zhao Li IHEP
Zhijie Zhao IHEP/CFHEP
Zhuoni Qian IBS